Any tips to revive my plants ? :(

Jun 11, 2022
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Hello there,

Im actually having and hard time figuring out whats happening here. Hope some photos will help to analyze my problems.

Im currently living in a hot climate, inside my grow room is 30 celsius (86° F)

Im using Bio Bizz light mix, with a 600w mars hydro led lamp, using RQS grow tabs as fertylizer, watering them when the top part of the soil is dry. They are boths RQS autoflower, the one that is dying with yellow leaves on the bottom is an Amnesia Haze RQS auto and the little one is RQS Royal Crytical Auto. The Amnesia haze have some yellow leaves on the bottom but the top seems okay to me, the Crytical seems stuck in that situation.

Im not overwatering them or overfeeding them with nutrients, im following RQS guide for nutrients using 1/4 black tablet on 750ml water (25.36 fluid ounces ) . Im using tap bottle water with 6,7 PH, 18/4 light schedule.

Its my very first time using LST technique. Its my second grow but the first of having this kind of trouble. I read a lots of guide during the past year but im having an hard time figuring out whats going on with these two.

Here some picture that show their situation and the distance between Plants and the lamp.

Sorry for my english but its not my main language. Hope to gets some help by some more experienced growners, thanks in advance. Peace!

photo_2022-06-11_12-10-00 (2).jpg
The first picture, plant appears to be flowering already. Not much to be done. Just water and let it finish. Probably will be small.

Last picture, plant looks good. Let it grow. Stick to the plan.

If you are in the EU, you have access to much better seeds than RQS. You might have more luck with better genetics. Not a bad start.
Thanks a lot for the quick reply, i was a bit stressed about this situation lol

One of my main concern anyway is trying to understand why the bottom leaves are yellow and looking to die soon.

I will look to some new seeds bank in any case next time ;)