Old Reviews Any one used the six pot bubbly system sold by stealth hydro?

It would be fun to light one with a couple hundred watts of LED and the other with a CFL rack to just check the difference in groth. I so love actual experiments where you can see a difference or not see a difference dpending how the results come out. Always my best learning experiences. I must be from Missouri isn't it the show me state.

Something like that would go nice under the GLH.
No I think it is my choice of words. I got used to calling my large 69 holer a bubbly tank cause you sure couldn't tote it around filled with water you would need a crane. I will try and get with it. The part underneath the top with the holes in it you all call a tote. If I made it would be out of 2X8"s and would hold 12 plants and wouldn't tote to easy. Ok it is a tote not a tank. I learn all the time here. when I first came I didn't even know what a photo was cause this was the only place anyone called it that cuase it is such an auto site. Now the wicked early photos are called photo sensitives. Got to admit I think they need a better name. I still like "wicked earlies" seems to describe them better.

Tank part? I might be looking at the wrong unit. I clicked on the link Muddy posted earlier
That tote they are using is just the crappy Sterilite rand. They tend to crack easily & the sides have been know to bow/flex way too much for my tastes.

+1. I have some regular Sterilite totes in my garage to store tools and other junk in. Last weekend I pulled one off the shelf that had around 30 pounds of stuff in it and dropped it the last 6-8 inches to the floor. The whole side of it blew out. And this thing was purchased within the last two years and was never exposed to the elements or temperature extremes. I would never store anything in one of those totes that I didn't mind spilling out on the ground at some point.
This is the real shit of how to do it Budha. My how I love advice like this. Just one question. What do you do for a drain in the bottom or do you just take it out and dump it? Does the top need extra support or will they hold the weight of the plants fine as is? Gee that was 2 questions. We need a build a small hydro system sticky post.

I've built similar units using the 27gal totes from Home Depot & Lowes. The totes are inexpensive but built solid (supposedly withstand something like 500lbs). The Sterilite Utra totes & Rubbermaid's Brute (I think that's the name of the line) totes are also built solid but much more expensive. I just used the lid of the tote to hold the netpots, used a dremel & holecutter attachment to make the holes for the netpots in the lid. easy-peasy.

Here's an example of an eBay seller selling a similar setup to the Stealth one Muddy posted earlier: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hydroponics-system-large-plants-Free-lifetime-garden-support-/110825223034
This is the real shit of how to do it Budha. My how I love advice like this. Just one question. What do you do for a drain in the bottom or do you just take it out and dump it? Does the top need extra support or will they hold the weight of the plants fine as is? Gee that was 2 questions. We need a build a small hydro system sticky post.
You can get that drain attachment at any homebrew supply store. Just tell them you need a replacement valve for a bottling bucket. Then use a hole saw to cut the hole for it. The valve should come with seals. Or you can just dump it and refill with nute solution.

Hey thanks homie. I like the tap idea the best. I like to take a few litres out each day to keep the useless salts from accumulating in the mix. they play hovic with getting a real reading on the PPM meter.

You can get that drain attachment at any homebrew supply store. Just tell them you need a replacement valve for a bottling bucket. Then use a hole saw to cut the hole for it. The valve should come with seals. Or you can just dump it and refill with nute solution.

Nelson , the lid to my tote is the "cover" and I simply cut holes to hold my net pots . as Homie said , the drain is a simple unit you can get from a brew shop or even a health food store that sells brewing ingredients . It's all a pretty simple set up and easy to get the parts together for .
OK guys I will go out and buy myself a tote and see how I like it. I will order myself an air pump. I hope I can find a quiet one. Usually they are way to loud for my liking. Can anyone suggest a quiet one.
Most fish aquarium pumps are pretty quiet now days.
I have 2 that I picked up at WallyWorld ( A.K.A. WallMart, A.K.A. Chinamart), and you hear the bubbles more than the pumps.
I use one for my water, and one for my bubble cloner. But I am a dirt farmer.

I will check it out. Thanks Homie. The one I got now for my big tank put out a lot of air but is really noisy. It is a diaphram type.