New Grower Any Diesel Fans out there?

lmao!!!! vagina...
OMG HOW MUCH DO YOU MISS HER?!? lol We used to skype all the time...I saw her nipple once....lmfao. long story.

alright im just gonna say it, cuz we're all wondering.. lets hear the nipple story, and dont skimp on the deets! hahahaha
yeah!! and potatos too... wait oops wrong thread
well I've only grown a dinafem sour diesel. havn't smoked any yet...but soon.mine doesn't smell like diesel tho, just a real sour citrus smell. not moist..or pantie's...or..........damn you Mz W..lmao
mz w? you still talkin bout that auto acid. spidermites really fucked mine up. but I did a original sensible critical diesel that I wasn't impressed with at all.. and I just did a blue diesel. there was very little blueberry in it. it was pretty potent and last 2.5 hours but nothing smacks you in the face after that first hit like white strains. I love the initial rush that the white widows I grew gave far my fav
lol the nipple story really isnt as interesting as you'd think....

we were always talkin (on here actually) lol about who had the bigger rack. I was was adamant that it was her, and she kept sayin no they were only big when she was pregnant.
Well so then we were on skype one time and we were trying to compare (CLOTHED, lol) and she stuck her hand in her shirt to adjust herself, and she was wearing a tank top and just...kinda...over shot it a little lmao.

Then I sent her a package full of stuff I made for her and her son (jewelry, sunglasses, t-shirts, that kind of shit. OH!! AAAAND the coolest fucking pair of customized AFN chalkboard shoes E.V.E.R. I wrote our 'the story of AFN' thing on them, and they were awesome.) So I had this bright purple bra that was a *smidge* too big for me and I never wore it, so I customized it - I put pinch.pngthese on it to make it look like it was pinchin' her nips lol.
She put it on over her t-shirt when we were on skype, and she totally won the 'who has the bigger boobs' competition hahahhaha ohhhh chandy.
:clap:hhhhhmmmmm.. maybe we Skype later? or no?:coffee2:
moist is SUCH a creeper word. its like the word ..... :cringe: panties....:double cringe:

I don't like the other "P" word know. the vulgar kitty cat, lol

OMG HOW MUCH DO YOU MISS HER?!? lol We used to skype all the time...I saw her nipple once....lmfao. long story.

What happen to chandy?

I'm from Cali but currently in Texas. When I was in cali we used to say "fire" all the time. "Fire/grapes/gud gud/purple. Hell, it didn't even matter what strain it was! if it had purple in it at all it was getting called purple or grapes lol.
Nothing happened to Chandy....that I know of lol she just hasn't grown since her first one over the summer, and our grow journals were like...our main form of communication, lol well, that and skype. but now were down to a few sporadic messages on facebook lol its very unfortunate. I mostly blame the time difference since she's in the UK lol. but i miss the hell out of her silly british face.

I lived in Indiana and it was just called weed. Lived in Pennsylvania, and its middies/mids and heddies. Move 30 miles south, and jesus, its got half a dozen different names. Katt Williams got it pretty good here at about 30 seconds in-

I just have to say......:Haha:Katt Williams is my ninja.

Faded - They weren't my tits, idk why you wanna skype with me, ive got grapes next to chandy lmao.