Hello Antonio,
I've enjoyed growing about a half dozen different Dutch Passion strains, and recently ventured into your CBD selections. This was the first time I've handled your new packing, everything up until now has been in metal tins. I've always appreciated how the tin was sealed, and inside was an additionally sealed packet.
The new seeds from my recent order were in small cardboard boxes, which were taped across the top. Without thinking much about it, I simply opened the bottom of the box, so that I wouldn't tear it up. Then I slid the plastic container out of it, and there was no seal of any kind on that. Additionally, there was no foam or cotton to hold the seeds still, so throughout shipping they just bounced around in a plastic cavity. Compared to the old packaging, I was surprised and a bit disappointed by this lack of care for the seeds.
Over the years, I've found various breeders will put more seeds in the package than is stated --
this order was the first time I've found fewer -- my 3 pack of CBD Charlottes Angel only had 2 seeds in it.
I'm in the US, I purchased these through Multiversebeans, what should I do?
Thanks for your help.
EDIT/UPDATE: I contacted Multiversebeans and they responded to check in the green plastic lid, sometimes seeds get stuck up there. They were correct, once I removed that part of the container, sure enough there was a seed that was wedged up in the ridges of the lid. That says a lot about the design of this seed container, but if Mulitversebeans knew about this, maybe you already know also, and are working on a better solution?
Some customer feedback: This packaging design is not working. First of all, sending expensive cannabis seeds in a *completely* unsealed container/box isn't a good idea. Secondly, packing the seeds in such a way that they bounce around inside their shipping container as they travel halfway around the world, is not well thought out. And lastly, if the seeds can get stuck in the lid, then the lid is not a good design for transporting seeds.
I love your cannabis genetics and hope to see better thought out packaging next time I order.