Another confused newb (Dimamed auto) watering? Light burn?

Our resident plant doctor extraordinaire Waria has blessed you with very sound advice! :hump: Also, you should still be using cal/mag despite what you think may be in your water. I don't know the science, but this form of cal/mag is not readily available to the plant. Using a cal/mag supplement specific for growing is essential for a successful grow and harvest! :headbang:
Our resident plant doctor extraordinaire Waria has blessed you with very sound advice! :hump: Also, you should still be using cal/mag despite what you think may be in your water. I don't know the science, but this form of cal/mag is not readily available to the plant. Using a cal/mag supplement specific for growing is essential for a successful grow and harvest! :headbang:

Cheers, wasn't aware of this.
Would this explain why the plants look droopy this morning after a feed?
Cheers, wasn't aware of this.
Would this explain why the plants look droopy this morning after a feed?
Here's a few things I picked up on here that may help you out in in the future.
Cheers, wasn't aware of this.
Would this explain why the plants look droopy this morning after a feed?
Lots of plants in nature turn down their leaves during rain/watering. It's just a natural plant instinct, so no worries! :headbang:
Lots of plants in nature turn down their leaves during rain/watering. It's just a natural plant instinct, so no worries! :headbang:

Thanks Need4Weed, I did wonder.
Seems looking back on camera they naturally drop an hour or so before lights off too. Maybe they know.

I'm still confused about this Calmag situation. Didn't know the calmag in drinking water was not sufficient for plants and as far as I knew, calcium was calcium and same for magnesium?
Plants seem to look really healthy to me now and I've started LST.
IMG_20181122_021449.jpg IMG_20181122_021439.jpg in hydro, a TDS or EC meter is a MUST, or you're just guessing, which will ass-bite you sooner rather than later,... it's how you confirm you nute strength going in, and checking build-up of nute salts in run-off,.. that should be under 300ppm vs. what's going in,....
if the slight droops are starting just before and during lights out, that's a normal reaction,... not exactly sure why, I get some doing that as well.. seems to stop during bloom,....
5.6 is OK, but watch for further drops, which is not,.... in hydro, a TDS or EC meter is a MUST, or you're just guessing, which will ass-bite you sooner rather than later,... it's how you confirm you nute strength going in, and checking build-up of nute salts in run-off,.. that should be under 300ppm vs. what's going in,....
if the slight droops are starting just before and during lights out, that's a normal reaction,... not exactly sure why, I get some doing that as well.. seems to stop during bloom,....
5.6 is OK, but watch for further drops, which is not,....

Thanks Waira,I really appreciate the advice & help
I guess my next purchase is a EC meter. Hopefully won't cost the earth

Have been reading a lot and have decided ill probably go down the DWC route on next grow and take out the worry of under/over feeding.

So I should buy some calmag? If so I am probably better off using RO
I have some really hard water where I'm at as well. It's about 340 ppm strait from the tap. With led lights I don't think you can avoid the cal/mag at some point. It usually hits me hard on my auto's right when it goes into preflower and stretch. Again, keep in mind I'm still learning, but I have spent my fair share of time here in the infirmary, and I've seen things ! :) You can actually even find me a couple posts below yours. I think they keep a perm bed here just for me.

Your ladies looking nice , keep'er up !

after thought edit: I'm not really positive, but I am starting to think there is some sort of relationship between how low you can move your light down and how much cal/mag you are feeding it. Not positive, Waira is the man to answer that, but that's how it seems to be working for me.
Plants are perfect just keep doing what you are doing.
flood them when feeding want about 50% pot weight then flood them again.Look for about 20% run off.
Normally Cal/Mag is a good idea but your water is hard so you can leave that out.
In a weeks time you can up the A&B to 1.5 or even 2 ml per liter

Keep an eye out for Fungus Gnats they are the number one Coco problem

If you want to go crazy with Coco, next time mix in 20% worm Casting
Add Cannazym 2.5 ml per liter to your feed & Seasol (white Bottle) the root supplement 4 ml per liter....Rhizotonic does the same thing as seasol, but Rhizo is way too expensive for the Gain
Keep them on 24 hour lighting and switch to 20 on 4 off when they show signs of flowering
I use HPS lighting the whole grow

The only thing you will need when they get into flower is Canna PK13/14 it's cheap and you only use it for 1 week when small buds form
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I have some really hard water where I'm at as well. It's about 340 ppm strait from the tap. With led lights I don't think you can avoid the cal/mag at some point. It usually hits me hard on my auto's right when it goes into preflower and stretch. Again, keep in mind I'm still learning, but I have spent my fair share of time here in the infirmary, and I've seen things ! :) You can actually even find me a couple posts below yours. I think they keep a perm bed here just for me.

Your ladies looking nice , keep'er up !

after thought edit: I'm not really positive, but I am starting to think there is some sort of relationship between how low you can move your light down and how much cal/mag you are feeding it. Not positive, Waira is the man to answer that, but that's how it seems to be working for me.

Cheers Mesaboogie, Assuming you're a guitaist like me :)
I will grab a bottle of calmag just in case

Plants are perfect just keep doing what you are doing.
flood them when feeding want about 50% pot weight then flood them again.Look for about 20% run off.
Normally Cal/Mag is a good idea but your water is hard so you can leave that out.
In a weeks time you can up the A&B to 1.5 or even 2 ml per liter

Keep an eye out for Fungus Gnats they are the number one Coco problem

If you want to go crazy with Coco, next time mix in 20% worm Casting
Add Cannazym 2.5 ml per liter to your feed & Seasol (white Bottle) the root supplement 4 ml per liter....Rhizotonic does the same thing as seasol, but Rhizo is way too expensive for the Gain
Keep them on 24 hour lighting and switch to 20 on 4 off when they show signs of flowering
I use HPS lighting the whole grow

The only thing you will need when they get into flower is Canna PK13/14 it's cheap and you only use it for 1 week when small buds form

Excellent stuff, I will buy the Cannzym, PK13/14 and was also going to buy bloom for final stages.
I already use Rhizotonic and have done misting on the leaves too.

Regarding light, I have 18/6 at the moment as didnt really want to go 24/0 as would be more expense and also I wanted to give a rest period. I'd be happy changing to 20/4 during flower if you think this will help?
I thought 18/6 was ideal as can even add some photoperiods in the mix.
I use an hipargero 800w equivelant cob LED with 5watts too. Seems like a great unit and very happy with it, even if may be a little overkill