Another confused newb (Dimamed auto) watering? Light burn?

Nov 14, 2018
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Hi fellow auto growers.
Affraid to say, weeks of reading and watching videos and now I'm even more confused than when I 1st started.

My girls are around 12 days since they broke surface.
Growing in Coco coir under LED

At first I had a 125w HPS and they were a little leggy so ordered a 800W equivalent LED with bloom and veg settings (Hipergaro)

Light on only Veg setting and hung 24" from top of seedlings/plants.

They seemed to be curling up and looked a little bruised under the light so panicking I raised the light to 32" and put a bigger oscelating fan in the 80x80x160 space. Temps were spot on in middle of recommended temps though.


Hopefully you guys will know if I done the right thing or not. 10 days old in picture.

I also watered for 1st time as coco was already quite damp out the bag. I added 4ml rhizo, 4ml coco A and B to 2 litres of water ph 5.8 and fed both plants.

Feeding is really confusing me as I have read so many different auto grow journals and some people even suggest a litre a day until run off? I read not to feed properly for at least 10 days. Coco still looks wet now and the father in me wants to give them more water.

2 days later they look like this
I've only sprayed mist onto the leaves of water and rhizotonic


Quite a lot of growth in 2 days but do look a little droopy? Or is it me being paranoid?

Any suggestions, criticism, information specific to my environment would be greatly appreciated. I need to get this right.

Many thanks

Oh yeah, they showing sex now.. Its a girl
they look fine i grow in coco myself i would be letting them dry out or close to it before giving them a drink again so you are not drowning them and the younger girl i feed around the edges till shes more established like your others .. and thanks for posting on afn
Cheers Tom.
I worry so much about everything. Really thought they were dying. The taco effect on leaves had me really stressing.

The younger girl is a different strain as not all the dinamed germinated and wanted to use space up.

Ill not feed until coco is dry now. Hopefully they'll start getting more thirsty in few days.
I'm pretty new , but I think you called it spot on with the edges of the leaves curling up. Soon as I see that on mine, up the lights go.

Thanks MesaBoogie
It's been years since I grew anything. Gave up weed over 10 years ago and last grow over 18 years ago. Never even heard of autos then. Crazy now how much has changed.

1st auto grow, 1st coco grow and 1st led grow.

Hope to benefit from this CBD
Yea First time is fun could be a little bumpy at first. I would take notes so you know what works and what doesnt. She looks good .Let the pot dry then water till you get 10-15% runoff .Do you have a ph pen and probe?Also if you aerate your water you will get better results.
Yea First time is fun could be a little bumpy at first. I would take notes so you know what works and what doesnt. She looks good .Let the pot dry then water till you get 10-15% runoff .Do you have a ph pen and probe?Also if you aerate your water you will get better results.

Cheers my friend.
Yeah I have a PH probe and have left water out for days to evaporate the chlorine if that's what you mean by aerate?

As for taking notes, I'm using an app on android called 'Jane'
It's really helpful being able to look back.
Also have CCTV on my grow so can check in any time I like.
LOL you sound like me. I used old cell phones to watch my plants lol. air rate with and fish tank pump I wanted to say.
:toke: coco,... first i have to ask, did you do your homework on this soilless medium? It cannot be treated like true soil or you'll have nothing but a shit-show going the whole grow,... many do's and don't's with it,... it's more like hydro in several aspects; hand watering is a labor intensive way to do it, but there you are now,.... 15-20% run-off each time, never let it dry though! *(sorry to be contrary guys, but the guru's say---...).... Again, think hydro,.... the whole point of coco is to be able to feed weakly, constantly because coco breathes and drains waaaay better than true soils,.... you should be monitoring your input pH and ppms, and the run-off too,... never water alone, at least Ca-Mg in it,.. coco has weird CEC properties (cation exchange capacity) involving Ca (it's a major Ca hog), Mg and K mainly,....
--- briefly, in coco start out low-hundreds ppm's, pH around 6.0 or under a tad... then ramp it up gradually as they get bigger, my guru runs up to 700-850 ppm by bloom depending on size and what the "plant reading" tells you,... what's the water source, pH and ppm's? -- this figures in you total ppm's inputs,...
... leaves do look a bit light blasted with the rolling,....
LOL you sound like me. I used old cell phones to watch my plants lol. air rate with and fish tank pump I wanted to say.

Thanks,I actually used a bicycle pump and transfer water into 1L bottles with lots of holes in the lid. As I water the air sucks back into bottle through the water. Is this a good method?

:toke: coco,... first i have to ask, did you do your homework on this soilless medium? It cannot be treated like true soil or you'll have nothing but a shit-show going the whole grow,... many do's and don't's with it,... it's more like hydro in several aspects; hand watering is a labor intensive way to do it, but there you are now,.... 15-20% run-off each time, never let it dry though! *(sorry to be contrary guys, but the guru's say---...).... Again, think hydro,.... the whole point of coco is to be able to feed weakly, constantly because coco breathes and drains waaaay better than true soils,.... you should be monitoring your input pH and ppms, and the run-off too,... never water alone, at least Ca-Mg in it,.. coco has weird CEC properties (cation exchange capacity) involving Ca (it's a major Ca hog), Mg and K mainly,....
--- briefly, in coco start out low-hundreds ppm's, pH around 6.0 or under a tad... then ramp it up gradually as they get bigger, my guru runs up to 700-850 ppm by bloom depending on size and what the "plant reading" tells you,... what's the water source, pH and ppm's? -- this figures in you total ppm's inputs,...
... leaves do look a bit light blasted with the rolling,....

Thanks for so much input and advice.
Ok, I done my homework, purchased coco and fabric 5 gallon pots.
I have PH meter and have PH'd to 5.8, but I don't have a PPM meter.
Watered and fed today as was getting very dry, 1st I watered with a litre and had no runoff so added another 500ml and just about had run off. PH tested that at 5.6. Does this sound about right?

I have not added any cal-mag and my reasoning is because my water is hard. I looked at the water board website for the numbers and appears to be plentiful in calcium and magnesium.
also left water to sit a few days to get rid of any chlorine. Then brought up to temperature in my tent as to not shock the girls.

I've since moved the LED up and also switched on the bloom switch as read that its best to have on entire grow?

Hopefully I am doing something right, Girls are looking quite nice for 15 days from breaking surface.

little confused about Nutes. I have added 4ml Rhizotonic, 4ml Canna A & 4ml Canna B to 2L of water and used PH down from an aquarium shop to bring down.
I guess there maybe some other nutes needed at some point.

Thanks for taking the time to help and advise. I really do appreciate it.
