New Grower Another AK Newbie Here: First Grow Ever


Rainbow Trout, Green bud, and Bluegrass
Mar 29, 2015
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Hey Folks,

I posted an intro in the newcomers forum, but thought I would start a thread here on my new project. Open to any and all advice as I dive into this as an utter newbie.

Started a grow - thanks DarshAK for the seeds. Three new ladies: Polar Express, Purple Ryder, Northern Lights #5.

5 Gallon Smart Pots
Sunshine Mix #4

Right now my light set up is based on what I have from all my seed starting for garden/greenhouse/food growing needs.

Lights - I have 4 2 ft T5 lights set up now. I can add two more if folks think I should. Thoughts?

Question: As I look to the grow process should I go ahead and upgrade or change my light set up? Or will this work for the grow?

Right now, I have these in a nice cubby space in my garage. Thinking of getting or creating a reflective tent to help with light and humidity control etc. So I am open to ideas there as well.

Here is a picture of the ladies just after planting. They are surrounded by a host of other seedlings from herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.


Thanks All! Looking forward to learning from you all!
looks like a good start so far.
as with many hobbies you can do a lot or do very little,same as you can spend a lot or spend very little.
ive only used leds so i know diddly about other lights.they would benifit from being in a tent or box,with reflective that mylar or matt white paint.
i have seen people make a grow box out of 2 big cardboard boxes on utube costs peanuts.or maybe you can pick up a big cupboard from somewhere ?
Hey man! You're off to a good start, although for near future you maybe want add more light, if you cant allow yourself for something like 250/400/600W HPS bulbs, you can buy led or CFL bulbs, your ladies will appreciate them much more than these tube lights and you will have bigger better plants:)
Peace, Rozzy
Hey welcome.... guess it depends on what you want to spend. Sometimes you get what you pay for. I use a 1000w dimmable. When they are babys i can turn it down, or when they get big or it gets cold out i can turn it up. My experience was i bought cheap lights at first and as my passion developed i upgraded. Although now i have shit ton of lights pumps ect. One time i found a deal on 90w led bought ten of them. I ended up buying t5s, 400w, 600w, and two different 1000w ballasts. I guess what im saying if you can afford it buy a nice piece of equipment youll get more use out of it. But it is fun to get new toys. My wife hates it. Lol
Hey Gang, Thanks for the input and support. I am thinking about making the investment in some LED. Go ahead and start this off right. Luckily my wife is all in on this project. I have a bunch of thin, silver/shiny insulation sheets left over from my greenhouse so I am going to line this space for reflective walls, as well as tent the front in so the girls are nice and kozy!

I'll keep folks posted as the grow progresses!
Day 5 - Well they say the waiting is the hardest part. No doubt that is true. I was convinced, as many are, my first seeds wouldn't sprout. But sprout they did! This afternoon after work I was treated to 2 of 3 plants sprouting up proudly - the Northern Lights/Big Bud Blend and Polar Express. Here is the Polar Express:


What is going on with number 3 - the Purple Ryder? Well she could be taking her time . . Or she might have gotten eaten by a mouse, as I found this little dig yesterday. Turns out I have a mouse or two have been lurking in my garage. I caught two last night after finding this little dig.


That little dig hole is just to the right of where I planted. I am afraid to investigate, so I will give her a few more days to see if she pops her head from the soil. .

But all in all, pretty excited about my first two ladies. Now the real fun begins.