New Grower An Assortment of Owls(6x Night Owl Seeds(Daz.mephisto))

Alright and we're back with Part 2 of the Update! Looks like I'll have to make a Part 3 due to the amount of pics I have! lol

Super Cyan Haze

So, seeing how fast she was growing and how well she took the start of her wet/dry cycle I decided to top her on day 15 above the 4th node and removed the 1st node as well! Was a bit worried but to my relief she seems to have taken it exceptionally well and just 48 hours later on day 17 is looking freaking awesome!! Can't wait to start tying out her branches in the next few days!! :woohoo:

Super Cyan Haze Day 15:
Before topping:
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After topping:
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Day 16:
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Day 17:
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There we go! She's taken the topping like a freakin champ! leaf tucking her 4th node leaves to allow the 2nd node to reciece more light too!

Part 3(Blue Microverse) Coming right up!

(intermissioning...:pop: ppp)
And finally Part 3:

Blue Microverse:

When I topped the Super Cyan Haze I decided to wait an extra day before doing the same to the Blue Microverse, HOWEVER, before topping I checked her 1st node, just to see them before I was going to remove them. And I discovered something amazing! lol... Nah but really, both branches on her first node decided to top themselves!! Seeing this I decided I was going to make sure and keep those nodes! Some of my best buds came from the first node branches during my first grow! Anyway, it took about 20 minutes to get her short stubborn stalk flexible enough so that her main was lower than some sides! Few hours later,after she readjusted, I leaf tucked some more to help with light penetration. Today 24 hours later she has bounced back beautifully! Was quite a challenge to readjust her hook, and also added a few more and adjusted some leaf tucks! She's going to be one bushy little girl! Even though I have the P300(with both switches on) at about 40 inches they don't seem to want to strech! Oh forgot to mention both the Super Cyan Haze and Blue Microverse have shown pistils since yesturday. Not sure how early it was during my first grow, but it was around day 18 or so i believe. Anyway, juicy part!

Blue Microverse Day 16:
Self topped branches on her first node:

First round of LST:



Day 17(Today):
Before adjusting LST:


After adjusting LST:



So there you have it! All done for today! Please let me know what you think of my grow so far! I'd really like to get some feedback!
BIG Update coming in once again! Grab your popcorn! :pop::smoking:

Going to be a 3 part update again :dizzy:

Part 1:

First up is the Zamaldelica Express and Owl Pellet [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]:

Both are turning 14 days old today! They are a bit behind on growth, but I think that's due to the pots being prewet so long before they were planted/sprouted. I had to top em up twice with about 200ml each on Days 11 and 13. And even still, they were ready to start their wet/dry cycle on day 14 today! Feed was Biocanna BioRhizotonic Ph'd at 6.6. Also turned on the bloom switch on the P300 and raised it to max height. The Zamaldelica has been showing interveinal yellowing, not sure what's wrong with her. My outdoor ZE showed the same symptoms albeit later into flower. Most Likely I will top the Owl Pellet in the coming days! Going to top half and lst the rest of the plants! Anyway, here are pictures:

Zamaldelica Express Day 14:



Owl Pellet [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] Day 14:



That's it for the two youngest ladies!

Next up are the Tropical Wiz and Owl Pellet [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]:
Tropical Wiz:

She took the start of the wet/dry cycle well, and I decided to start LSTing her on day 15. I initially didn't have her stalk so close to the soil, but by the next day she bent herself downwards(the stalk) as she adjusted to the hooks I placed. Oh well lol, least she didn't snap herself! She's progressing nicely through the Low Stress Training! She's stretching a bit more than her older Blue Microverse sister, I'm guessing due to the light? Well anyway, here's pictures of the Tropical Wiz:

Tropical Wiz Day 15(start of LST):


Tropical Wiz LST Progress Day 17:



Tropical Wiz Day 18(today):
Before readjusting:


After Readjusting:


So That's it for Part 1! After a Short intermission we will be back with Parts 2 and 3! The most exciting!
Let me know what you think! :smokeout:
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Part 2:
Continuing from the Tropical Wiz and Owl Pellet [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]:

Owl Pellet [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]:

This one is exciting! She also took the start of the wet/dry cycle on day 14 fantastically! I decided to top her on day 15, same as the Super Cyan Haze: Above the 4th node, and removing the 1st. Her growth didn't slow one bit! She is actually ready for her tie down just 3 days later!! Looking forward to seeing what this Mystery seed could be, I love the look of her leaves! Anyway, here's pictures!

Owl Pellet [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] Day 15:

First node gone!

Just 24 hours later: Owl Pellet [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] Day 16:


Owl Pellet [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] Day 18(Just 3 days after topping!):
Before tie down:



After tie down:


And there's the Mystery Owl Pellet [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] just looking Beautiful! On to the two oldest sisters!

Super Cyan Haze and Blue Microverse:
Super Cyan Haze:

So, since the latest update I just let her grow until I felt her branches were tall enough to be tied down. Started with just the top 2 nodes on Day 19, then all 3 nodes a day later on Day 20. Since then I've just been leaf tucking, on day 20 I also removed the two fan leaves of the lowest node, as she needed a drink, and they were touchin the soil and just not getting much light. I fed them on day 20, the same BioRhizotonic and added a 1/4 dose of BioCanna Bioboost to kickstart some microbes into high gear! And today on day 21 I adjusted her hooks. She's doing superb! I can't wait for all the branches to reach the edge of the pot! The branches from the lowest node have made it! Here's Pictures:

Super Cyan Haze Day 19:



Super Cyan Haze Day 21:


So that's all for the Super Cyan Haze! She looks so lovely!

Stay tuned for Part 3 coming up in a lil bit! Blue Microverse!



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Update [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] Part 3:

Blue Microverse:

Damn she's been a challenge! since the last update I've continued to LST and leaf tucking like crazy! On Day 19 I started to very slowly defoliate(1-2 leafs max). Since she is so low to the soil, and alot of leaves are really close or touching the soil, when these older sisters needed their second drink on Day 20(6 days after starting wet/dry cycle!) i took a few more leaves, totalling about 5 or 6 by now. I also had to think up a way to get the leaves off the soil to water! See pictures to see my solution lol! I fed the older sisters the same BioRhizotonic mix and added in a 1/4 dose of BioCanna BioBoost to get that microbial life popping! PH'd to 6.5.
Anyway the Blue Microverse here is progressing nicely! Going to be a freakin bush! She just has so many small little branches I can't wait for her to start her stretch so I can giving her the spread hehe. She's close to transitioning to flower! I hope she gives me another week of good veg time! Here's pictures:

Blue Microverse Day 19:



Blue Microverse Day 20:
Before defoliation:


After defoliation and leaf tucking(mainly to make watering her easier lol):


My solution to the leaves touching the soil: :smoking:

Blue Microverse Day 21:


So there you have it! Update [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG]! Phew! It's been a busy weekend and start to the week... And it's only just begun! I can't wait for these babies to grow up! :biggrin:

Please let me know what you think so far!



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Hello and good night fellow growers! Update [HASHTAG]#5[/HASHTAG] coming up tonight! As usual quite long, multi parted and very detailed :smoking:


Part 1: Zamaldelica Express and Owl Pellet [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]

Both turning 18 days old today! The Zamaldelica is still showing some strange interveinal yellowing but doesn't seem to be too bad... I topped Owl Pellet [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] on Day 16 above the 4th node, and removing the 1st. Also started LST and removed the 1st node on the Zamaldelica Express on Day 16. Owl Pellet seems to have taken the topping well and hasn't slowed down! Going to be able to start tying her down tomorrow i reckon :d5: Zamaldelica is also responding quite well to LST, hope she manages to find her groove, either way I'm sure she'll give me some fire!
Still haven't fed anything besides BioCanna BioRhizotonic(root stimulator)

Zamaldelica Express Day 16:
Start of LST:

Removed 1st node, was very underdeveloped:

Zamaldelica Express Day 18:



After adjusting LST:


Owl Pellet [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] Day 16:
Before topping:

Freshly Topped:



Owl Pellet [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] Day 18:


That's it for Part 1! Stay tuned for Parts 2 and 3! :smoking::pass:

Let me know what you think so far! I'd love some feedback!


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