@Death The Cultivator
Just got a new IPhone this week and was taking my first readings with Photone today. My readings were about 30% higher on the new iPhone 13 vs. my old 11 and it made me think of comments that DtC made about the Photone app.
The first grow I used it I wanted to get my DLI set to 45-50. Based on Photone readings on my iPhone 11 I lowered the light from 18 inches to 15 inches (315 cmh, not led, so no dimmer). After about a week plants started to look light stressed so I raised it back to 18 inches. I think the 13 is giving me more accurate numbers based on PAR charts available on a couple websites, but I am still wary of the data to base any decisions on.
It does make the point about how variable the data can be on different devices. iPhone is supposed to be more consistent between devices, at least that’s the word. 30% is a pretty big swing, too much to be useful, and wrong enough to cause potential problems.