Indoor Amnesia Stone 99

In the two days following, she was put into a flowering cycle alongside the photoperiod plants. Lighting under the 400 watt high pressure system is 11 hours on/13 hours off. Although I have been a proponent of 10/14 as a viable option for flower, I began using an 11/13 schedule last year. Flowering times are strain dependent, and with so many strains being tested it is hard to find a medium for those long flowering sativa dominant strains as well as the squat indicas. It seemed that some of my strains in the past took forever to realize they were flowering under 12/12. They would just keep vegging out, making every 8 week strain turn into a 10 week strain. What I have been making meds with since I have been injured is a shoestring budget, so a quick turn around is essential. I began looking into alternatives and learned some interesting things about circadian rhythms. I experimented with 10/14 in the past and got some great results without the wasted energy making leaves and stems. Some strains really don't stretch much at all when flipped, so I settled right in the middle with 11 hours. Enough time for a bit more stretch and seemingly little loss.
The AS99 had to endure such things because I was having continuing difficulty lugging it back and forth from veg to flower to provide 24 hours of light. 11 hours with 400 watts or 24 hours with only 96 watts. She does lose out a bit, but there's a caveat to this. She would continue her beast mode even to this day, before long she would have a permanent home next to the photos because she would not fit anywhere else. Certainly not a moot topic to discuss, just ran out of option B. With space I would have absolutely have her under 24 hours of intense light. I tried to take it back to veg and just keep raising the light, but there's no more vertical space after she shoots up another 4 or five inches. It could be more ideal, but I couldn't be happier with the results so far. She is a lovely lady who is excelling in some pretty turbulent situations.
An autoflower in a # 3 is just right for me.
This is Day 29 from seed. After two days under ll hours of light. 28 inches wide, 20 inches tall, 12 nodes +. Still receiving only veg nutrients. When she is not fed the stronger veg mix, she is given a watering with a mixture that is 3ml Botanicare Silica Blast, 1 ml Botanicare Sweet. 1000 ml each time.
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Day 31 from Seed. At this point she would begin to get her flowering nutrients. Of course I could have gone on until day 36 or so to switch, but I figured she would need a bit more flowering time. To start her off, I only gave her only 500 ml of a mix of 3ml base, 6ml flower. It had been leftover feeding for the mazar next to her, which had begun flush by this point.
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Day 33 from Seed. Made a new Batch of Bloom nutrients. 3ml Base, 7.5 ml Bloom. AS99 would receive just 1000 ml, as well 1500 ml of non-nutrient H20 ph of 6.5.
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Day 38 from Seed. AS99 is 28.5 inches tall, 30 inches across diagonally, 24 inches wide, 20 inches in depth. Sounds odd perhaps but she is a mighty bush. A new nutrient mix of 3ml Base, 8ml Bloom was created. I could see that she wanted more nutrients or at least could handle it. Her light green leaves said I could use a bit more. This time she was given 2000 ml of the bloom formula, and oh how she loved it. Much more development. The top and the branches on the left are being assaulted by my fan's air stream daily, but there is no other way to exhaust and cool at this time. They seem to be just a bit behind the sheltered tops on the right. This is a vibrant grower. Can handle a wide temperature range and has behaved the same as any photoperiod would. Everything about this girl is ideal for my space. In just a #3, AS99 has taken half of the flowering tent in less than two weeks after the seasons changed. Under close up inspection it appears as though the pistils have started taking on a light pink hue, another plus. She has begun exuding the aroma of skunk, berry, and flowers. Not quite sure which, but leaning toward lavender.
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Day 40 from Seed. Made a new bloom formula. 4 ml Base, 9 ml Bloom, 1 ml Silica Blast, ph at 6.3. Fed AS99 2000 ml. The day before had given her 1000 ml of the mix (3 ml Si Blast, 1 ml Sweet).
Day 44 from Seed. New Batch - 4ml Base, 11ml Bloom. ph at 6.6. Gave her 2000 ml. The two days prior she was allowed to dry out completely then given around 2500 ml of distilled H20 at p.h. 6.5. January2016B 293.jpg
Day 47 from Seed/2/2, made a new batch of bloom nutrients. 2 ml Base, 10ml Bloom/gal, ph 6.5. Gave Amnesia Stone 99 1500ml
Day 53 from Seed, New mix- 4 ml Base, 4ml Hydroplex, 10 ml Bloom, 4ml Sweet. Total N-P-K- 4-16-12. She really didn't need this strong of a feeding, but as it was an experiment, I wanted to push her limit a little bit. Gave her 500 ml for the first taste, then 1500 later on. I know now that this number was definitely not necessary. It caused a slight die off of a majority of fresh pistils, I know for a fact it actually would have done much better with a mere 2-3 ml Base, 7ml bloom, 1ml sweet. Although it seems redundant, it is a gentle enough mix that it won't do that. I didn't account for just how much excess nutrients there could be in the fox farm, I hadn't used fox farm ocean forest with autoflowers in a few years. Not quite as stout as Black Stone, Stretched beautifully. The autoflower still never burned though, but it slowed a bit. Accumulation of food is much better method, allows her to use up the nutrients more efficiently. Even though the majority of fresh pistils died off, the auto eventually started to bulk up once more. Resin content seemed to double as a positive. New pistils started to bulk the flowers up during flush.