Indoor Amnesia Stone 99

Micron Creek

Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Bees Knees
Holiday Season, Amnesia Stone, Pennywise, Mazar, Jackstraw 608.jpg
Amnesia Stone 99 is a tester from AF Portal, a gift from Stone as a consolation in a photo contest. I entered my picture Blackstone Galaxy X. So here we are months later and she is in her fourth week of life. Before I lose track of everything I will start to share her. Grown in a mixture of Ocean Forest and GH Organic Coco Coir. She seems to be taking to it well.
This lovely lady would be grown under an odd light schedule. She spends 13 hours of the day under a 96 watt bank of T5's, the other 11 hours are underneath 400 watt high pressure sodium. Without a dedicated l.e.d. to nurture her, she is toted back and forth from flower room to veg room. Some time under 400 is better than none, one must do what's necessary. She is in a #2 container, but full of roots it is rather like hefting a bowling ball. Here she is at day 2 Holiday Season, Amnesia Stone, Pennywise, Mazar, Jackstraw 618.jpg
She would not receive any nutrients at all, other than what is available in the substrate, until the start of week 4. Her watering was very light as well. Day 7 of LifeHoliday Season, Amnesia Stone, Pennywise, Mazar, Jackstraw 656.jpg
Once again, I would be using the KIND nutrient system with this girl at a very light dose. Currently she is fed 1 ml Base, 1 ml Vegetative, 4 ml Silica Blast. Although KIND has everything required I like a bit more silica to toughen these gals up. Day 10
Holiday Season, Amnesia Stone, Pennywise, Mazar, Jackstraw 690.jpg
Holiday Season, Amnesia Stone, Pennywise, Mazar, Jackstraw 735.jpg Around Day 14, the AS99 would receive a much more thorough watering to saturate the roots. By this time the roots have had to seek far and wide to find any available water along the edge of the container. Watering sparingly along the edge only, has given this girl some more rigidity in the fluffy medium. Watering at 6.5 p.h., only 500 to 1000 ml of water each turn.
Day 17, AS99 seems firmly established in the medium and has begun a series of vegetative spurts that are still continuing. Great White was added to AS99's medium during initial mixing and again at the start of week 3.

Holiday Season, Amnesia Stone, Pennywise, Mazar, Jackstraw 770.jpg
Day 19, By now the AS99 has experienced temperatures ranging from the mid 50's to the mid 80's F and seems to be able to tolerate the extreme.
Holiday Season, Amnesia Stone, Pennywise, Mazar, Jackstraw 803.jpg
Day 22, AS99 receives its first vegetative feeding as previously mentioned, a very light mix - 1ml Base, 1ml Veg, 4ml Silica Blast. 1500 ml over the course of 11 hours.Holiday Season, Amnesia Stone, Pennywise, Mazar, Jackstraw 843.jpg. The plan is to take her to 70 days and see where she stands. This was the timeframe of my previous Blackstone. So she will receive veg nutrients in weeks 4 and 5, flowering nutrients in weeks 6 through 8, then flush for a couple weeks and allow her to ripen.
I finished up a as99 a few weeks back and it was exceptional bud:drool:and I gave it a 9.5 on a ten scale in both taste and potency.:woohoo1:still smoking it.:baked:good luck with your's:growing::cheers:
Currently on Day 23 and here is where she stands. Eight solid nodes high, with nodes nine, ten, and eleven stacking together in the center. Approximately 12 inches tall, and 16 inches wide. About to be fed again for the second time only in four weeks. AS99 began showing her pistils by the fifth node.Holiday Season, Amnesia Stone, Pennywise, Mazar, Jackstraw 926b.jpg Turning out to be both a stout individual as well as a rapid one. Seeing a promising response to the substrate and nutrient regiment. I know she could handle more, but for now slow and natural development is preferred to anything that could potentially stress her.
Day 25 from seed. Jan. 11. The Amnesia Stone 99 begins to transform rapidly at this stage adding on new nodes and branches every 24 hours. Internodal Spacing began to elongate. On the days when she is not fed, she is given about 1000-1500 ml of water around 6.5 p.h. Drinking more heavily as she becomes more established. Watering every 12 hours.
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