Outdoor Amnesia Haze Autoflower Outdoor (help)

Mar 26, 2018
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I'm at end of week 7 of Amnesia Haze Autoflower. I'm growing outdoor using compost soil in a pot. Been using bloom nutes since week 6, and grow nutes at weeks 4-5 as far as I remember, watering once every 3 days. I use nutes once every other watering, was worried if it's a lot of nutes (1tsp part A and 1 tsb part B). pH level is good. The plant seemed all fine until week 5 and 6, soil dries quicker and some leaves seems weak, dead, and crispy.

I watered it yesterday and today the soil is dry on top but a bit wet inside. The weather is kinda warm, about 28-32c, and humidity is about 50% and more. The plant gets about 12 hours of direct sunlight and nice natural breeze.

This is my first plant. Please have a look and let me know if there's anything wrong and what can I do better. Besides, should I remove the crispy dead leaves? Or just leave them?

PS. Since last week, I'm watering almost every other day, the pot seems light and the leaves droop.

Hi Arabia,

your plant is nute burned, do you meassure EC/ppm of ruin or runoff? And what does you mean ph is ok, also meassured and what nutes do you use?
Hi bro,

Thanks for the reply. What is EC/ppm? I mean I measure my pH level (5.5-6.5) before I water the plant. But never measured soil pH.

I will post a pic of the nutes I use once I'm home. They come in two parts each. Grow part A and B. Bloom part A and B. I'll get back with more details regarding nutes.
Hey @Arabia420

First of all, great work so far, you're almost done!

I'm at end of week 7 of Amnesia Haze Autoflower. I'm growing outdoor using compost soil in a pot. Been using bloom nutes since week 6, and grow nutes at weeks 4-5 as far as I remember, watering once every 3 days. I use nutes once every other watering, was worried if it's a lot of nutes (1tsp part A and 1 tsb part B). pH level is good. The plant seemed all fine until week 5 and 6, soil dries quicker and some leaves seems weak, dead, and crispy.

I watered it yesterday and today the soil is dry on top but a bit wet inside. The weather is kinda warm, about 28-32c, and humidity is about 50% and more. The plant gets about 12 hours of direct sunlight and nice natural breeze.

This is my first plant. Please have a look and let me know if there's anything wrong and what can I do better. Besides, should I remove the crispy dead leaves? Or just leave them?

PS. Since last week, I'm watering almost every other day, the pot seems light and the leaves droop.

View attachment 883059 View attachment 883060

It's quite normal for Autos (and Photos) to lose a few leaves to this yellowing and drying out process near the end of their lives.
If the leaves are crispy, dead, then remove them. Don't just drop on the soil surface, as rotting leaves may attract fungus or bugs.
If they are still alive, but just yellow, I'd normally leave them on the plant.

Hard to say if you're over- or under-feeding, because when you say "1 tsp A and 1 tsp B" we don't know how much water you're putting that in, i.e. the concentration, or what brand / type of nutes these are in the first place.
I don't think it's nute burn, because usually that will hit the tips of the leaves, they'll go dark or yellow, and curl up. But you don't seem to have that.

But, I don't think there' s much to worry about at this point.
The temps and humidity is really quite nice for the end of flowering to harvest.

You say it's an Amnesia Haze Auto, not sure what breeder, but most heavy sativa autos like this prob can easily go for 9-11 weeks or longer.
You've still got quite a few white pistils, so she's still putting out new flower growth, which is good.
Maybe just continue with the flowering nutes for another week, to the end of week 8 or so.
Then just use water for another week. There'll be enough nutes in the soil prob to last her out.
If you like, right before harvest, let her dry out a bit more, the low water levels and low humidity may help to squeeze out a little more crystal on the heads.

All the best!
Thanks everyone for the reply. I water the pot about 2 liters, that's enough for water to flow through and out under the pot.

I use these nutes. As I said, I use them every other watering (every 4 days) or sometimes 6 days. Note that I water the plant every two days. They dry quick, maybe the weather and direct sun?

I'm hoping for week 10 or 11 to harvest if all goes good. Can't want for my first plant .

Aha, EC and PPM are a meassuring scales done with electric pens to see how much salts are in water, PPM= parts per million....EC=electric conductivity, goggle it and catch some knowledge and the lower leaves are definitely nute burned.
Not a pro but doesnt look like nute burn. Looks more like you let it dry out too much. It started eating its leaves to stay alive. I would pull all dead leaves water it with about a gallon. Make sure to ph water.

When you water do you dump it on all at one time or allow it time to soak in adding only a little at a time?