Fast Buds American Autoflowers with A-Train

Reading up a bit on dolomite. The effects only last so long, seems like you have to apply it every so often and water it in. It's going to raise the pH of your feed if I'm not mistaken, but shouldn't be an issue with advanced coming in at 5.8
I may give this a try.. Dolomite, extra calcium. This may be the key to our LED issues.

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@The Elvis your never late. Just in time for these to flower but the GSC and WCOG havnt even gotten a feed yet

@tripaholic88 thanks brother

This is what I'm using in the pro mix soil now. 4tbs per gallon of soil. Just now started giving the GO cal/mag @1ml/L
View attachment 633896
Is this the first time you've tried adding extra cal/mag to your medium or have you tried other supplements also? I added a powdered mix to mine this time with powdered seaweed in it hoping for the same thing.
@Eyeoftheworld it's the first time I added extra. I usually just use general organics cal/mag liquid but since going to LED then the super powerful LED I'm having to find additional ways to suppliment.

I went for the lime for the added cal mag so I didn't use as much liquid calmag and also because I know it would help keep the ph of my medium stable and allow for healthy plants over the entire grow.

Whats up @Pitched tent I'm far from a pro but we can Def grow and show at the end lol. What size pots are you using ?