Grow Mediums Amateur Bout Nute Fight: Advanced Nutrients vs Earth Juice


Just some lurker dude
Apr 17, 2015
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Starting my grow closet back up again and kicking it off with a comparison grow. Will be doing a head to head comparison of the same strain from seed using Advanced Nutrients Jungle Juice line with one and Earth Juice Hi-Brix Grow line for the other. I'll try to post up the results here, but for the most part just threw up this thread to let folks know. I'll be doing to bulk of the tracking and documenting over in my ongoing grow journal here: Start of Nute Battle grow

One week in from moving from the seedling tray to the netpots and starting on light nutes, three weeks total from putting the seed in the rockwool to germinate. Early on, looks like Advanced Nutrients is trying to take an early lead. Roots were a little more developed out of the seedling before going into the netpots for the AN seedling, though, so it already had a slight lead to begin so still too early to call it a clear lead for AN.

Advanced Nutrients seedling:

Earth Juice plant seedling:
Well, looks like Advanced Nutrients is going to take this fight. But only because I'm throwing in the towel on the Earth Juice plant. The brown slime curse of DWC has reared it's ugly head on me again. The molasses base and organic nature of the Earth Juice nutes that I was hoping would cause big growth in the plant unfortunately (and I suppose unsurprisingly) causes EXPLOSIVE growth of the brown slime. I can manage it enough to limp by with the AN chem nutes, but the Earth Juice is like rocket fuel for the stuff.

Since I'm ready to give up on DWC and fighting the slime, I'm starting to look at changing to soil. Sooooo...I've started two new seeds in some dirt and if they both pop I may continue the fight by going AN with one and EJ with the other on them. Will update the thread if I end up going that route.
Looks like a cool thread. Keep it up. Try some beneficial bacteria and fungi
Stay away from organic stuff and run a sterile res.. Then, guess what? No more slime! Use DM Zone at .5 ml per gallon, and add a shot of regular peroxide every couple of reservoirs. No more root rot and slime. Just big harvests. As long as you keep the ph, feeds, and environment dialed in. Easy Peazy.
Keeping the sterile res seemed to be my problem. No matter how well I thought everything was cleaned, stuff kept coming back. Started to think it may just be trace amounts of the cyanobacteria in city water. Recently setup a little water filter that I may try DWC with again down the road.

Buuuuuuut....for now I'm having some decent, possibly beginners luck, type success with some soil, so going to ditch the hydro for now. Wanted to chime in for any that may have been curious on the original comparison grow that it's looking to be back on, but in soil this time. I've got two little Auto Northern Lights seedlings that I just put into some 3 gal Air-pots this morning. Shouldn't need their first watering for a few days, but the plan is to start one on the AN line and the other on the EJ. Will be tracking things in my grow journal here:
I use Dutch Master gold range zone at .5-.7ml per gallon and stay completely sterile. I had problems before I started using it.