Indoor Altering the size/height of Airpots question...

A Gardener

working Jah garden
Mar 13, 2015
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I was thinking if I bought some smaller sized pots I could use their bases in bigger sizes to create taller, narrower pots. Could fit more in my tent and let them send a deep tap root. Thoughts appreciated.
It's a thought but I can only think of one instance where it might be beneficial ... that would be in a vegging tent where you wanted to get as many seedlings as possible under the light ... once the foliage starts to outgrow the pot diameter you would have to spread them apart to keep from crowding them ... at that point you could plant them, air pot and all, in a 4-5 gal pot and achieve amazing results ... but you'd need floor space or have to move them outside ... if that's your goal it would be easier to just use 1 gal air pots ...
It's a thought but I can only think of one instance where it might be beneficial ... that would be in a vegging tent where you wanted to get as many seedlings as possible under the light ... once the foliage starts to outgrow the pot diameter you would have to spread them apart to keep from crowding them ... at that point you could plant them, air pot and all, in a 4-5 gal pot and achieve amazing results ... but you'd need floor space or have to move them outside ... if that's your goal it would be easier to just use 1 gal air pots ...

Thanks for the reply. No that's not my goal tbh. Essentially I have a .7m x .7m floor space in my tent. I've grown four plants in there and I LST to pots edge and then let it go vertically in the air space directly above pot, raising pots to maintain an even canopy. Foliage (excessively) outgrowing pot rims I think is strain specific? Ish. When I've grown four the pots have been approx. 30cm diameter which gives a bit of shiftage between pots. I thought if I could reduce diameter of pots but maintain volume of soil I could stick 5+ in there...... Admittedly, like most of my ideas it's a result of years of drink and drug abuse.