Almost harvest time -- or nute burn?

I am a bit of a hurry to get the next grow started, so today was the day to chop 'er down.

500 grams wet.. This is most of it. I had to hang up a few of the smaller branches somewhere else. For reference, that is a 6 inch fan in the back.

Not gonna lie.... I am actually really thrilled with the results of this grow. At 500 grams wet, I am anticipating about 100 grams of dried flower. Given that this was my first go at this, and the amazing number of mistakes I made, this is considerably better than I anticipated.

What should be immediately apparent: I suck at trimming. Honestly, I really don't care what it looks like, so this is pretty much good enough for me.

Thanks to everyone who helped me along through this. I hope I can give back in kind soon.

The RH in my tent has been around 20% all week, so the buds are more than dry enough to jar up.

"dry" weight is 112 grams. I think that's the last of the updates for this thread. I'll start a journal for my next grow, starting in about a week.

This forum is awesome :)
:cheers: I was gonna tell you to do just that, take'm down now,.... Look into the drying/cuirng sections here next time,.. 20% RH is brutal, way too low,.. it'll dry the bud too fast, not allowing time for the "death throes" chemisty breakdowns to complete,... several days to a week is best, at about 70F and 50% RH,... too fast can kill aromatics, and will make the bud potentially taste green/chemmy/chlorophyll-ish, be harsh,... get the humidity control packs 62%, good jars, and start curing them properly,... it'll take more time, but some of the negative aspects came be lessened over time as curing allows further breakdowns, conversions to take place in part at least,.....
:cheers: I was gonna tell you to do just that, take'm down now,.... Look into the drying/cuirng sections here next time,.. 20% RH is brutal, way too low,.. it'll dry the bud too fast, not allowing time for the "death throes" chemisty breakdowns to complete,... several days to a week is best, at about 70F and 50% RH,... too fast can kill aromatics, and will make the bud potentially taste green/chemmy/chlorophyll-ish, be harsh,... get the humidity control packs 62%, good jars, and start curing them properly,... it'll take more time, but some of the negative aspects came be lessened over time as curing allows further breakdowns, conversions to take place in part at least,.....
I was in between a rock and a hard place. I knew the low humidity would ruin the curing process, but also that it would not necessarily ruin the potency. To be honest, that I got nearly 4 ounces of not-too-damn-bad buds on my first go at this is good enough for me. That and I would rather fight low than high humidity right now AND, I need to get another grow started ASAP.

I'll add that to the list of mistakes from which I have learned a great deal. Were it possible, I'd pass you a bowl :) Thanks for all your advice :)
:cheers: I was gonna tell you to do just that, take'm down now,.... Look into the drying/cuirng sections here next time,.. 20% RH is brutal, way too low,.. it'll dry the bud too fast, not allowing time for the "death throes" chemisty breakdowns to complete,... several days to a week is best, at about 70F and 50% RH,... too fast can kill aromatics, and will make the bud potentially taste green/chemmy/chlorophyll-ish, be harsh,... get the humidity control packs 62%, good jars, and start curing them properly,... it'll take more time, but some of the negative aspects came be lessened over time as curing allows further breakdowns, conversions to take place in part at least,.....

I had no idea the fine Boveda product line even existed. That sounds.... amazing.
hella nice first grow :thumbsup: replace a few of them mistakes with a not quite ideal,you done good.

I am really looking forward to the next one. I have a few strains I ordered while this was going. Three more Low Ryder 2, but I think I might sit on those for awhile. I picked up a seedsman strain called Auto Speed Bud, which is also supposed to be pretty noobie friendly. Also a couple Diesel Auto Fem (came for free with the ASB).

The Auto Speed Bud sounds interesting if nothing else because of its really short flower time and the high yields. The reviews were pretty glowing for such a tough, short plant. I think I am going to go with just one plant for now. If I keep getting yields like this, I will start producing faster than I am consuming. Not a bad problem to have, but I am not really looking to stockpile it. I'll be sure to start a journal as soon as one pops.