Almost harvest time -- or nute burn?


Lies can become truths, if we let them.
Oct 29, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Gorilla Glue
Problem: Pistils changing, but looks like nute burn, just like most of the other leaves. Unsure if this means its almost time to chop - or if I am killing my buds

Medium/grow method: DWC

Feed: and supplements used: AN Bloom, Grow, Micro (1.5ml/L). Suppliments: AN B52 (.75ml/L), AN Big Bud (1ml/L). GH CalMagic+ (.75ml/L)

water source: Distilled

Strain/age: Low Ryder 2, 63 days

light used: ViperSpecrta 600 LED

Climate: 75-80 F (21 - 26 C). 20-30% RH, 20/4 light cycle pH 5.7 - 6.1

Additional info: First grow and has not been without problems. Lost one plant completely, and this one stunted for at least a week.

The survivor quickly picked up where it left off, and I have some reasonably decent flower clusters given what happened. We're also just a week out from the 10 week flowering time written on the tin. Since this is my first go at this, I am not terribly confident that I am seeing the plant entering late flower (and time to switch from Big Bud to Overdrive), or if I am just watching some of the pistils die from nutrient burn.

Here's are some pics. Any help would be appreciated.


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not looking to bad by the pics,smidge burnt yep,maybe a cal/mag issue going on to,maybe from to much N.but the feeds dont look overly strong.i dunno just an a guess couple of weeks from chop.
keep er lit.
That sounds rite? Your feeding nothing but bloom nutes now?
Yeah. With AN its the same base nutes throughout the entire lifecycle, with some additives thrown in for flower (Big Bud, and then Overdrive for last two weeks). From what all I've read, I've been keeping the nutes to less than 50% of the "recommended" doses, and I still get nute burn ;)

I am going rather light on the calmag+ as well, at 50% recommended dose.
The tips look pretty bad, and can be an indication of nute burn. However the brown spotting throughout the leaves may indicate a magnesium def this late into flower.

Personally I’d back off base nutes and increase magnesium supplementation by half, and see if that works.

Just a my 2 cents

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How close are the lights?

But as mentioned. Does look like a bit or burn and also a cal or mag def.

And going off pistils she still has some time. Those will all brown or pink when its close.
Other than a bit of tip burn and a few spots. They look pretty good.

You mentioned its dwc.

How is the res temp and root health.
How close are the lights?

But as mentioned. Does look like a bit or burn and also a cal or mag def.

And going off pistils she still has some time. Those will all brown or pink when its close.
Other than a bit of tip burn and a few spots. They look pretty good.

You mentioned its dwc.

How is the res temp and root health.

The lights are at best a foot away from the highest top. I cant raise the light any higher.

The res is a little warm, but the roots are in good shape. It's a little crowded in this tiny res (a mistake I wont make a second time) taking up 50% of the volume. Leaving with me enough room for about 2 litres of nute solution.

So I am constantly feeding and monitoring pH and PPM. Just hoping to nurse this one across the finish line.
Just a bit of an update... It's day 70 from germination, which is the time set by the breeder for this lady to be ready to meet her end.

I'd say probably another week... maybe two at best.

This is the main cola. Can not quite get my hand around it at the largest part, to give you a rough indication of size.

The four highest tops here are all rooted on a very thick branch, just slightly smaller than the main branch. Not quite as big as the main, but not nearly as disappointing as I expected given the history of this grow.

I'll have my macro lens for trichome inspection in the post on Wednesday, and will just wait for them to cloud over and start going amber.

My second grow will start nearly immediately after this is done, and I am excited to get a journal started here. I learned quite a lot on this first go, and all I can say to someone who is hesitant to do this themselves is this:

Size up what you think you need and go for it. Understand that by the time your seeds germinate, you'll already have made some mistakes. You will continue to make more mistakes. Unless you are extraordinarily fortunate, you will run into a problem.

When you do - Don't panic. Look first to discover the cause BEFORE you start considering a solution. These forums (and others like it) are where you should turn first.

Lastly, even when things look completely lost, keep going. I am looking to harvest about 30 grams dry from a plant I thought was a lost cause 5 weeks ago. These are tough ladies :)

Of the two plants I started with, one was SURELY beyond hope with most of its leaves browned and ready to fall off, so I focused on the smaller of the two, which looked to still have a punchers chance. As I continued to nurse the smaller one back to a normal growth pattern, the "dead" one started to spring back. I had already chopped off most of the branches, keeping it alive just to avoid the roots dying (same res as the other plant). Damned if it hasn't also recovered, albeit too late to do much before it dies of natural causes.

Bottom line: No matter what happens, don't give up. Your plants won't.
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