Outdoor all outdoor grow - AK and GSC

Apr 16, 2016
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So I have my first grow going on right now and I'm super excited! Some of the plants are starting to make very pretty flowers. I think my yield will be low, but my inputs have been low as well. I didn't use any lights to start these and they were really slow to get going at first. Also some of them were stunted significantly by bug damage shortly after transplanting. 4 of my 5 starts survived. I wasn't very methodical in how I treated them so they all got slightly different conditions and I didn't record them very well lol (for example, some of the seeds were started in a mix with earthworm castings, coco coir, and sand, while others were started in a coco/perlite mix). All of them are auto-fems and were started in biodegradable starter cups. They were started at the end of March and germinated about 60 days ago.

Here are some photos with a little background on each plant.

These pics are of my GSC plant (from FastBuds). It is probably no more than 8 inches tall but I think it looks the most mature of all the plants. Some of the pistils are just starting to brown and calyxes look well developed to me. I think this will be a very low yield but she smells beautiful.

The rest of my plants right now are Auto-AK genetics from Advanced Female seeds. They have all grown considerably taller than the GSC but are all at different stages of development despite having germinated at the same time. The one shown above is the smallest and least developed. It's about a foot tall and is barely forming preflowers. For the first month of it's life this plant was putting on only 3-leaves per set and was barely a few inches tall, but it amazingly shot up to this height and I'm hoping it will still have time to put on some flowers before its life-cycle is over.

This auto-AK always looked a bit healthier than the last one and has grown to be over 1 foot in height. It's also showing more well developed flowers (it started flowering about 3-4 weeks ago along with the other plants), but it still looks to be in early flowering stage. She is pretty lanky but again I'm hoping the plant is able to take more time to develop mature flowers before she dies.

These photos show my biggest success. Still not an enormous plant, but she is about 18 inches tall and has decent branching compared to her siblings. The flowers are still developing but the cola especially looks beautiful and she is starting to get aromatic. Below is a photo taken at about day 35, when she was only about 5 inches tall. Amazing that she shot up another foot in the following 3 weeks!

So my main question if anyone has any input to give, is whether I should expect these all to finish at about the same time, or if its possible that the less developed ones will still put on more flowers and will mature at a later date? The smallest one barely even has pistils, so it seems it has a ways to go.

Any other comments or questions are welcome to. I'm new to this forum and it has been awesome to get inspiration from other growers and to have something to contribute as well!
Hey...great to meet another outdoor grower! Looking pretty damn good for minimal care!!

Your question- there is a very good chance you will have varied finish times, in fact pretty much for sure. I like to use a microscope and take them at 20% amber trichs and 80% cloudy trichs. Harvest times listed by breeder can vary greatly.
Keilidh things look good for first grow with minimal care 4/5 survivors not bad at all.. I agree you will have different finishing times for those. What were your temperatures and weather like when you first planted and now? What size container did you start them in / how old when you planted?
Thanks for the feedback!

When the seeds started the night time temps were probably in the 50s, maybe occasionally still dipping into the 40s, and daytime temps in 50s and 60s (temps in farenheit). The first six weeks we had some clouds and rain on and off, but still they got a decent amount of sun. Now the daytime temps are more like 60s and 70s, but with a very strong sun at mid-day and night-time temps are probably still in the 50s, but trending towards higher temps.

The starter containers were probably about the size of a measuring cup and were biodegradable. 4 of them I planted in the beds immediately after I saw their tap roots poke out the bottom of the starter cups (probably about 2 weeks after germination). These were the ones that suffered bug damage and were a bit stunted at first. The exception is the GSC, which didn't seem to get eaten much by the bugs but just never really got very big for some reason. One of them was totally eaten away after the first couple of nights in the garden bed. We had a wet winter and slugs were a big problem at that time.

The final plant was left in the small starter cup for another week or so and continued to grow a bit and looked at that point much healthier than the bug damaged ones. In order to avoid the bug damage I transplanted it first into an improvised biodegradable pot made out of paper grocery bags. It was probably about 1.5 gallons in size and was filled with coco/perlite mix. I let this plant get established better in there for another 2-3 weeks before planting it out in the garden bed where it is now. A couple weeks after transplanting in the bed is when it really took off.