Indoor All I need is alittle Help from my Friends

Man In The Jar

Sativa Induced Satire
Mar 1, 2012
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Okay so i'm doing this DIY grow box from a recycled entertainment cabinet(pics later) It is 20"wx20"dx36"h. I'm going with soil to grow I'm thinking air pots not sure
what would be best size for my area also need strain suggestion would prefer something under 20" so as to make room for lights ,fans,filters.Lights will be cfl's,fans=Dayton brushless 2in 2out 6x6, filters diy active charcoal.

1) size air pot
2)autoflower strains suggestions
3)Soil Promix BX Promix HD

Please don't hesitate to offer any kind of help :D

Hey man. I have seen some totally nice grows in just 1 liter airpots. Those things are badass. I imagine you'd only have about two plants in there. Three tops if they were small.

As far as strains any of the lowryders or dwarfs are gonna be shorter but I have still heard good things about all of these strains. My opinion really is that if you buy it from one of the reputable banks and grow it well then the smoke will be great. Just because it says 20% thc on the store site DoEs NoT mean that when you grow it, that it will be that strong. These specs are gathered from near perfect growing conditions and growers, so keep that in mind. Also, you could take nearly any strain and LST it to fit in there and get some good yield. Browse around and search for the strains that more of us are growing. That way you can get actual smoke reports and pictures and all to compare.

Not sure the difference in the two Promixes, but I do see the BX more than HD, although I have heard both are good. I think it depends on your exact application. I would just go with BX unless someone comes by and says differently.

Hope this helped man and good luck.
Hey squid thanks for your reply. Now this may seem not real smart(didnt wanna say Dumb;)) LST hear it alot in threads but what does it mean ?
I never seem to make my ?'s clear So I dont have any option to clone .reason for a strain that is a natural dwarf so to speak High THC content no
big deal hell I'll be happy if I can just turn the seed into a plant:D.The Promix some say one is good for seeding one good for growing ?
Just tring to get a handle on all this indoor autoflower,micro grow stuff as I am a virgin on these subjects. So I am open to any and all help anyone wants to offer.

Lst is low stress training.I have never done it but i beleve its moving large leaves away from flowers by bending them or tucking them away.This gives flowers more acess to light.This is my guess and if i'm wrong sombody will correct me with the proper way.Promix bx is good but if youcan find it they have an organic mix that i use and it looks like the girls love it.One or two gal.air pots will work great,You could measure the pots before you buy them just to make sure they fit.
namvet thanks for you input.Like i said any and all is of help.Finding the Promix is not a problem for me have a retailer very near that carries all the brands
the airpots in 1or2 gal. are what I've been thinking also. Thoe have a netted bottom should the sit in water or on some kind of grating to drain? Common sense
would tell me on a grate but having never used them ?:confused:

I'm beginning to think my man namvet is my team-mate. Which is awesome by the way before ya got thinkin' I'm not cool about it. Thanks man.

I envy the fact that you can get Promix in your area as I cannot. Awesome for you and I am happy for that at the same time.

1 or 2 Gal. would be fine as long as space provides. And you should always have a tray or saucer of some sort under to catch excess runoff and whatnot.

Looking forward to you getting started.
If you're going to use CFLs or LEDs for your lighting I'd recommend the Pro Mix HP. BX hold a little bit more water and can take a bit too long to dry out under those type lights. If you're using HPS, then I'd recommend the BX because of the added heat and faster drying under the more intense light. BX is best IMO for seedlings.

LST is where you bend the plants over and tie them off. While it does reduce their height there's a bit of trade off as they then take up more horizontal space.

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Hey Muddy thanks for the input I'll surely use it. I will be using CFL's for sure and also thinking of throwing in some led for flowering .
I'm thinking of using like 16oz peat pots with the BX to start then transfering them pots and all into air pots and filling with the HP.
Good plan or not ?
Looking for a strain that grows more vertical as my box is taller than it is wide(20"x20"x36") hoping to do like up to 4 plants at a time
any suggestions ? Man I'm open to all help anyone is willing to give.

Again Thanks

Most sativas are generally taller and more lanky than shorter bushier indicas. But every strain has different phenotypes. Take a look in the banks.
Hey guys, squid, namvet, and muddy, this has all the making of a great thread! I Would say that you really are going to be cramped in that space esp if you are going to try any plant that has a good pre-flower stretch, and they will spead out width wise as well. I put three growing in a big space, and they almost outgrew me, I think you question is heavily strain dependent! These autos can really GROW! it may not end up being that little plant that you saw on the Seed bank photo, check some of the grows on this site and see what is being grown, that should give you an idea about what you can grow in your cab. By the way, squid lovin the new avatar!