To fish or not to fish? What a stupid question :)
Hi AK, plants are looking great. I use ProMix as well. One of the things I have learned is that its pH tends to drop after about 4 weeks. If you have not already invested in a soil pH probe like the Accurate 8 you will find it an excellent investment. Not sure how much minerals you already have in your water (I use well water that is pretty hard) and found that starting to add cal/mag to my water early on helped as well.
Happy growing
Thanks Oldster. I have city water that has a PH of 7.6 out of the tap. I have been using PH down to get it to 6.5, but the other day when I watered I had some run off so I tested the run off and it was 5.8. I will definitely invest in a soil PH meter.
As far as the cal/mag. How soon have you started using it?