New Grower AK49ER" First Grow

Feb 10, 2015
Reaction score
seeds are up so here goes:
3x3x6 tent
AN nutes using TaNg schedule
2 P150 PlatinumLed 50 veg/100bl
1 P300 "" "" 97 veg/185bl
soil ProMix ph 6.9
water ph7.0 out of tap after 24 hrs

3 seeds in Root Riot only 2 germinated...
Carpathian Mazar
Nirvana Bubbleicious
Samsara Ultraviolet terming after Speed Blue failed

been reading all can from you people but if I have learned anything it's I have to "do" before I really learn anything..if you get my drift

and a late thanks to all I have copied from...M
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...question....should I start off using cal-mag in my water since I am using LED lighting or wait awhile...also have my 2 P150 (50 watts grow) at 15'' (~25cm) above plants..ok?
well....ended up putting a touch of cal/mag in my using 5 gal pots, watering lightly and have my 2 small lights at 13' above plants...doesn't feel too warm...things seem to be going ok
potted up Ultravilot and it is looking pretty small in that 5 gal....everything else fine...keeping tent 73 F - 80 F/ H 40-50...I will post picts when they get a mite larger
Is this leaf curl a problem?

I think I may have had my lights too close. Thought my P150 (50grow/100 bloom) would be "weaker" ...had them about 12 inches (30 cm) for first 7days and was getting this leaf curl on edges...moved them today up to 20 inches (50 cm?)...everything else seems ok..promix is ph at 6.8 out of bag measured with accu 8 and water is 7.0 out of tap then added a touch of cal/mg and ph down to 6.5..just the Carpathian Mazar is curling ...the Bubblicious shows no curl...have been cautious with watering.. IMG_8887.jpgIMG_8888.jpg
trying to figure out the picture thing..both pictures are the Mazar
after another day...curl on Mazar seem the same maybe a little more pronounced but nothing on Bubblicious or few days younger Ultraviolet just next to it...maybe just a mutant or trait..otherwise everything is going well..first feeding for B and M mañana.
well did a search online and pretty sure I stressed the Mazar with too much light...moved my lights out to 30 inches ...the LEDs's were certainly not putting out much heat but this should help
Nice detailed start 49ER. As another AK noob, I'll be following along. Exciting stuff!
thanks for the looksee akreso...nice knowing someone is watching...just stumbling along so just watch my mistakes and learn..ha