Live Stoners AK Auto - 4th Grow Attempt


Cultivators Club
Jan 6, 2013
Reaction score
Good Morning Everyone.

My plant is on her 30th day of growth and I feel she is doing well. She is planted in Roots Organic mixed with GBD soil on the bottom half and straight Roots soil on the top half.

Soil - Roots Organic mixed with GBD soil.
Lights - 4 100watt CFL`s
Water - Distilled
Nutes - only cal/mag.

Please let me know your thoughts as this is my 4th attempt to get this right or better than my last 3 grows. This GBD soil is amazing so far.

Thoughts anyone?



  • Day 30.JPG
    Day 30.JPG
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Party on Jackson!!!!!
Since you are asking for thoughts, here are mine.
I have been growing for two and a half years with a organic soil mix using LED's and CFL's.
And, not to mention that I produce some very very fine smoke.
First of all read, read and read some more. The resources on this site are unbelievable along with using the Google.
Remember you are growing a weed. It will grow in the crack of your driveway or in your manicured garden.
But, what we (hopefully you too) growers want is nirvana. Grow great weed for ourselves and maybe some bragging rights too.
With organics you think about enriching the soil with organic goodies and feeding the soil with PH'd water, along with plenty of
natural light or artificial. There are those on this site that have forgotten more about growing than I know about growing. Use
these folks resources as most of us are willing to share our experiences. Good and bad. Because believe me I have screwed up
some plants pretty bad but I still always got something decent to smoke. Decent is good enough anymore. I have learned from my
mistakes and I continue to learn every time I hit this site. Back to my thoughts for you.
Get 150 watt CFL's instead of 100 watt. Use rain water or water that comes from the tap (all those good minerals in that water) but
let it sit a day so the chlorine evaporates. Buy a PH meter and mix some molasses with that water and feed that soil. And, maybe buy
some organic fish emulsion to feed the soil too. Start experimenting and you will grow better bud guaranteed. Remember to read and read.
All the best my friend,
White Punk on Dope
Good Morning All-
I hope all of you had a great July 4 celebration, Today marks her 33rd day of growth and according to my eyes, coming along nicely. Today she will be given distilled water and I will up her cal/mag from 1 teaspoon to 1 and an 1/8 teaspoon. I noticed a small brown spot on the middle of her leaves so that is why I will up her cal/mag.

Please let me know your thoughts and thank you White Punk on Dope for your feedback.



  • Day 33.JPG
    Day 33.JPG
    130.5 KB · Views: 78
Good Morning All-
I hope all of you had a great July 4 celebration, Today marks her 33rd day of growth and according to my eyes, coming along nicely. Today she will be given distilled water and I will up her cal/mag from 1 teaspoon to 1 and an 1/8 teaspoon. I noticed a small brown spot on the middle of her leaves so that is why I will up her cal/mag.

Please let me know your thoughts and thank you White Punk on Dope for your feedback.


Welcome to AFN @Jackson! We are all really glad to have you, first of all GREAT JOB! I know that kind soil makes it easier lol but you are showing great patience and skill so far. Here is a little rep to get you going! Also if you plan on being here at AFN for a while here are a few tips to help you get traffic to your thread, get to know what is probably regarded as the best auto growers on the plant, and get to know how to navigate the site. It is pretty neat because you can do virtually all of that stuff by visiting the Live Stoners thread first get yourself a little avatar to use as your picture, then follow that link and stop by the LST just pop in tell em I sent ya and introduce yourself you know just a little about your grow style n stuff and everyone else will do the rest. Again Great to have you here and great job so far
Thanks all for responding. Don't know if my local store carries 150watt bulbs . Maybe.

I have a couple of leaves on the bottom beginning to yellow, but think that's normal .

Will update new pics on Thursday