Indoor AK-47 DWC experiment

day 23.plants are loving life.they seem to be excited about the net cause they are racing to get to it.saw a leaf poking into it earlier.Wont be long till im tucking tops and leaves.PH 5.8 PPM 870 using General hydro Flora Nova veg right now and Florolicious Plus,Armor Si,Calimagic,and Rapid start.all pretty much half strength.I have been mixing RO and tap right to about 100PPM and than adding the calmag in to hit 300PPM.seems to be the sweet spot.than i go from there with half nutes on everything and just keep testing the PPM till i hit 850.
day 24
we have contact with the screen.Now its a race to get it filled in before the crazy stretch.
I hate the tap water week it can be 100 than a couple days go by and it goes up to 300 so its impossible to get consistent water from the tap so i decided to drain it all out and RO the water to 100 PPM mixed with tap and RO.a little tap helps to stabilize the PH anyway so this is where im at.
12 Gallons in the mix total so im giving the totals of what i put in per 12 gallons.
30 ML of Calimagic and 12 ML of Armor Si brought the PPM up to around 320 starting with 100PPM water.the PPM totals are .500 conversions.
12ML of Floralicious Plus and 30ML of Florablend brought it around 400
Than i put in Floranova Grow till i hit 720PPM and thats where its at.
I noticed some weird stuff going on with one of the leaves and a few tip burns on the new stuff so i know my PPM was to high and partly because the tap water was so high.the Tap was no good for this situation so i hit the reset switch.One thing i love about can see problems instantly and fix the issues.In soil issues can take weeks for an issue to show up and by that time its to late to try and repair than you end up doubling back and making shit worse.IN HYdro changes can take place in a day.a PH out of range for just a day you will notice something aint right before you even probe the water.
Anyway everything is good.cant wait to see how these plants flower.
Not much change since yesterday.plants been in these buckets for 26 days and loving life.
720ppm 5.8 PH
There eating a gallon a day.had to top off again with exactly 1 gallon mixed to the same ratio as whats in the system.gonna have to add in a top off res one they start blooming whenever the fuk that's gonna be.

Scrappin this journal.found 4 AK-47 autos in the plastic package this morning i had wrote.I guess i mixed up the freebies i got and took them out of the regular package.These are chronic haze Photos.i was pretty pissed off.I have to many packs of seeds laying around and guess somewhere last year i removed the AKs but these 2 seeds were still in the original pack so i thought they was AK autos.Oh well.
thats a pain init mate ! what are you gunna do next tpw ! are you gunna flower them out
yes i am just bummed out there not autos.Its cool cause i got 6 sour diesel/green crack about to get fired up on another log.
I had to add a float switch to the control bucket cause they was drinking a gallon a day.
added a 10 gallon reservoir that will drain to the control bucket when it gets low.will keep me from having to make a fresh mix every day to top em off
PIC Time.
28 days in the hole
left stalk,nickel for size compare.

right one


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