Indoor Air stones in Coco "experiment"

I just looked... The Northern Lights is actually only 3 weeks and 1-4 days old.
Sorry about the dark pictures, but I was in a hurry to get them taken so I could go watch Wrestlemania...
If you can't tell, She's gotten leafy over the last 24 hours, and gained about 1/2 in height.
Documentation... My least favorite part. Because I suck at it.

As of now, The only thing pumping air into the coco seems to do is keep the coco wetter, for longer.
She's grown quite a bit since I started the "experiment", But there are numerous factors that can play into that.

No feed or water needed today.
She looks happy, and her bucket is still heavy.

...She was topped, and tied down, But I untied her due to the need for space in an upcoming grow.
Dont know if you are lifting buckets off ground? But if not they will not drain unless lifted.
Dont know if you are lifting buckets off ground? But if not they will not drain unless lifted.
Yeah,I am.
There are 15-20 holes drilled in the bottom of her bucket, and she sits on two ph pen cases... Drainage is fine.