Air Pots are cool namvet. Takes just a few waterings to get your system down to how it works best for you.
How Kindred does it sounds pretty effective and logical. I start with just getting the top layer of soil wet, letting that sink in and then repeating a few times. Then I keep going, making star paterns and whirly-whirls and things with my patented 750ml Plastic Ketchup Bottle / 1/8 inch Hose High Tech Weed Watering Contraption till it's empty then let that settle and go again.
Some will inevitably run out of the holes, so that's why I have the pot in a bucket, collecting what runs out and added back to the top. (Thanks Red for that idea!)
I do it just like that and after adding the "rest" from the bucket once, I'm done and there's no more run-off.
This works good if you only have one or a few plants, but would probably be a pain in the butt if you have more.