Outdoor Afghan Skunk / Lemon OG Haze - Guerrilla Power

Apr 28, 2018
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Currently Smoking
Moroccan hash
Hi guys, this is my first grow, but I have some experience since I helped building my friend’s 400w setup and gave him the knowledge to achieve some nice harvests, but since he doesn’t listen to everything I say, I’m growing my own, guerrilla style, instead of using his setup.

The ladies are:
- 1x Advanced Seeds Auto Afghan Skunk (19 days old)
- 1x Nirvana Auto Lemon OG Haze (12 days old)

The setup is:
- Spot in the middle of the woods
- 2x 18L black squared pots
- Bottom half is 10L Biobizz All Mix
- Top half is 10L Biobizz Light Mix
- Nutes are Gurrilla Tabs by Biotabs

I germinated both in paper towels and then transferred them to 18L pots, I kept the Afghan Skunk for 14 days inside my house and the Lemon OG Haze for 9 days giving them as much sun as I could (moving them between windows), sadly the days since their birth haven’t been that much sunny because it has been raining a lot which I think is the reason they aren’t bigger. Last night there was a lot of rain and a hailstorm so I want to go check them out as soon as I can to see if they survived.

My climate is Mediterranean, temps at night are getting a bit lower than usual for this time of the year, around 8/9 celsius, next week it should rain a lot again but I’m hoping the week after that kick starts the weather that a lot of people say is the best in the world for growing cannabis.

I went with pots because the soil where I'm growing is shit, very hard, a lot of clay and bad drainage, and is surrounded by Eucalypos which is a tree that drains all the water from the ground, I probably should have went with +40L pots, but I was on a budget and I want to breakthrough my first harvest before I invest more money.

When the Afgan Skunk was 17 days old I put 4 tabs in the soil, really hoping it doesn't burn them, in the next couple days I'll do the same in the Lemon OG Haze, I would like to get your opinion guys, do you think the tabs will be enough nutes for them? Or should I use some flowering nutes when the time comes?

Another thing, I'm only able to water her on weekends, do you think I'm fucked when they get bigger in june/july when it doesnt't rain a lot and they drink a lot?

I haven't got pictures yet, but today I will update the thread with some.

Sorry for the wall of text guys, happy smoking :smoking::smoking::smoking:
Good luck mate

Thanks man!

Lemon OG Haze day 12

Afghan Skunk day 19

Hailstorm pierced through her leave :nono:



Are they too small for their age?
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Thanks man!

Lemon OG Haze day 12

Afghan Skunk day 19

Hailstorm pierced through her leave :nono:



Are they too small for their age?

They are a bit small for age. I always try to recommend guys start they under lights if possible for 21-30 days if possible for maximum size and production. Depending on heat 40L pots should be large enough for once a week watering, also dependent on medium water retention(never used biobizz)
They are a bit small for age. I always try to recommend guys start they under lights if possible for 21-30 days if possible for maximum size and production. Depending on heat 40L pots should be large enough for once a week watering, also dependent on medium water retention(never used biobizz)

I can see why you recommend that, next grow I definitely will invest in that.
As for the pots, well they are 18L so I probably should start thinking in a stealth drip setup... I think biobizz is good for water retention, at least the store owner where i bought recommended it over canna soils saying it holds more water..
Some pics

Afghan Skunk Day 24


The main stem is a bit weird, thin at the bottom then gets large, also she started showing signs of sex right? the little pistils

Lemon OG Haze day 17

Looks like some white scratches on her leaf, probably nothing to worry about.

They were probably stunted due to lack of good light hours in the seedling/early vegetative stage, the Afghan Skunk is 24 days old do you think there is time for her to grow one meter/3 feet?
A spot in the middle of the woods sound awesome, if plants grow big and heat comes up and sun hitting plants 18 liter will be a problem watering only once a week, they can dry out in a day when they are thirts, but you could put thhem in a bowl filled with water so they can bottom uptake water for a couple of days, you did some pebbles or perlite at the bootom of the pot?
A spot in the middle of the woods sound awesome, if plants grow big and heat comes up and sun hitting plants 18 liter will be a problem watering only once a week, they can dry out in a day when they are thirts, but you could put thhem in a bowl filled with water so they can bottom uptake water for a couple of days, you did some pebbles or perlite at the bootom of the pot?

That's a nice ideia the bowl, no I'm not using perlite nor pebbles at the bottom.
I do have water crystals in the pots tho I forgot to mention, on the first watering they swell a lot but I cant even see them now, I have no ideia if they are still working ahah

Maybe I could dig a hole, put something at the bottom that would retain water and bury the pots?
Im only afraid of little rabbits coming for my babies, the pot is too tall for them now but buried i don't know