New Grower Advise needed on pot sizes

Dec 17, 2014
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Hi, I am about to start my first experience with autos.
The closet I have is not very tall so to let the plants grow without too much restrictions, my pots need not be bigger then aprox. 8" (+/-20 cm). Maintaining this same height, would an increase in diameter of the pots make a big difference in the final result (size and weight of buds)?
Generally, yes. Think of a a micro grow versus a container grow. Beer can vs container. They can be the same height but very different in circumference, a plant will grow to its container, always and results will follow.
Thanks WGL. I have read something about the need for the tap root to grow unrestricted, but I suppose this the ideal condition; with a larger container one should also expect better results.
Smart Pots

Look into Smart Pots or any fabric containers. The Smart Pots air prune the roots. There is no issue with root bounding.. I've grown a full size (3.5 foot) Bubblicious and Northern Lights in a one gallon Smart Pot.. The grows are here on AFN.
How tall is your setup? No matter what imo I would go with large pots no matter what then just lst the shit out of your gals... when they start to stretch each time a cola starts to go up place a strap or tie on it and hold it down then another will take over and try to be the main just strap her down too soon all the growth up will stop and go into full flower and you will have a relatively short plant with a BUNCH of short fat colas.


Theres a link to my grow where I did the same thing I just described. I have plenty of pics there on how they were strapped and tied down it turned out pretty well