Grow Room Advice for dehumidifier for 2x2x4


Still learning a lot!
Cultivators Club
Nov 1, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
VAPING: Go-Go Auto, Bloody Skunk Auto, Cream Mandarine Auto, Deez Nugs, 24Caratx3BOG, amazingly-tasty-unkown-strain
Hello fellow growers!

What dehumidifier would you recommend for a 2x2x4 tent that has a RH of 70-87 % with just one plant in a coco-hempy bucket? I tried putting a better exhaust system and it lowered temps too much.

I've been looking at those that use silica desiccant or calcium chloride... i spend about an hour each day checking the tent so i don't mind if it's a dehumidifier that i have to empty each day.

Hope i could spend as little as possible, but if the cheap ones i'm considering aren't worth it, I wouldn't mind spending extra on an electrical one.

i've narrowed it down to Dri-Z-Air which uses calcium clhoride and has to be refilled once the crystals disolve, or Eva-dry E-333 which uses silica that has to be dried by plugging to the wall once the silica has absorbed the moisture.

Open to any input on the topic.
Hello fellow growers!

What dehumidifier would you recommend for a 2x2x4 tent that has a RH of 70-87 % with just one plant in a coco-hempy bucket? I tried putting a better exhaust system and it lowered temps too much.

I've been looking at those that use silica desiccant or calcium chloride... i spend about an hour each day checking the tent so i don't mind if it's a dehumidifier that i have to empty each day.

Hope i could spend as little as possible, but if the cheap ones i'm considering aren't worth it, I wouldn't mind spending extra on an electrical one.

i've narrowed it down to Dri-Z-Air which uses calcium clhoride and has to be refilled once the crystals disolve, or Eva-dry E-333 which uses silica that has to be dried by plugging to the wall once the silica has absorbed the moisture.

Open to any input on the topic.
I got 1 off Ebay for like $28 USD a few years like 3ish. Takes away about 5%-15% rh. I use mostly when drying bud in ten. Going to put in my tent now because dont have exhaust on. I leave off until it smells to save filter but get up to 80%rh and that's bad for filter lol. So in it will go. I will see what the rh is before and what it is like 1-2hrs later. My tent is 2'x4'x5' so close to yours. It holds 32oz of water, I just empty whenever I go in tent. Has auto off nice for price. I will look and see if I can find you a link for 1 similar. Stay lifted.
Here ya go looks just like mine but its purple. Not sure where you're at, but if not US look at it I'm sure you can find where you're located. Small investment, fits nice in tent quite, good tank size. I think your best option hope it helps bud. Stay lifted.

Hello fellow growers!

What dehumidifier would you recommend for a 2x2x4 tent that has a RH of 70-87 % with just one plant in a coco-hempy bucket? I tried putting a better exhaust system and it lowered temps too much.

I've been looking at those that use silica desiccant or calcium chloride... i spend about an hour each day checking the tent so i don't mind if it's a dehumidifier that i have to empty each day.

Hope i could spend as little as possible, but if the cheap ones i'm considering aren't worth it, I wouldn't mind spending extra on an electrical one.

i've narrowed it down to Dri-Z-Air which uses calcium clhoride and has to be refilled once the crystals disolve, or Eva-dry E-333 which uses silica that has to be dried by plugging to the wall once the silica has absorbed the moisture.

Open to any input on the topic.

You don't need a dehumidifier.
Effectively a dehumidifier is an inefficient air conditioner that will use a lot of electricity.

Increase your exhaust fan speed instead, and use an automatically controlled electric heater.
Heaters are almost exactly 100% efficient at changing electricity into heat.
Here's what I use:
Amazon product
Amazon product
Built-in electric heater thermostats usually can't control temperature very well, so the inkbird is necessary.
Otherwise the temp and humidity will vary greatly.
Don't lower humidity more than the Vapor Pressure Deficit chart recommends.
You don't need a dehumidifier.
Effectively a dehumidifier is an inefficient air conditioner that will use a lot of electricity.

Increase your exhaust fan speed instead, and use an automatically controlled electric heater.
Heaters are almost exactly 100% efficient at changing electricity into heat.
Here's what I use:
Amazon product
Amazon product
Built-in electric heater thermostats usually can't control temperature very well, so the inkbird is necessary.
Otherwise the temp and humidity will vary greatly.
Don't lower humidity more than the Vapor Pressure Deficit chart recommends.

After reading this I took your advice to solve my humidity problem. went with inkbird humidity&temperature switch and ran a heater on one circuit and the fan (exhaust) on the humidity circuit. It works amazing keeping humidity and heat steady and no water to drain out every day. Thanks mate.
Can i ask with that switch would you want the exhaust fan on all the time and have the heater on the temp/hunidity setting?
After reading this I took your advice to solve my humidity problem. went with inkbird humidity&temperature switch and ran a heater on one circuit and the fan (exhaust) on the humidity circuit. It works amazing keeping humidity and heat steady and no water to drain out every day. Thanks mate.

You might want to consider getting a humidifier.
Following the Vapor Pressure Deficit chart will lead to profuse growth.

I've got 1 or 2 top-fill, ultrasonic humidifiers blowing into each of my tents from outside the tents to keep humidity in the 60s from seed to harvest in hydro.
I've never had bud rot harvesting with humidity in the 60s, but it might due to the fact that the medium water doesn't bring germs.
Some VPD chart users modify it to have lower humidity during flower, because they do fear bud rot.
Can i ask with that switch would you want the exhaust fan on all the time and have the heater on the temp/hunidity setting?
I run the exhaust fan on humidity switch, on the inkbird it ask to use as H - humidifier or D(not sure, forget exact code)dehumidifer, i picked H. TS value (desired humidity level) I set at 45 and set (forget code) the variance level or when it comes on to 5, so 45-50 fan doesnt run, when out of that range it runs.
I run heater on temp. switch and it ranges from TS= 25c and variance level (again forget code) 5c so heater runs at 20c and off at 25c. The inkbird also asked to pick H for heater or C for air conditioning, I picked heater.
I have no clue why they ask heater or air conditioning and humidifier or dehumidifer, My thinking is it effect how variance setting works but just a guess.
If i run exhaust fan 24hrs it pull humidity to what ever my basement is, winter its 30-35 and summer 40-60. It runs 50% of time in winter and Im guessing 24hrs in summer.