Old Reviews Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect

Jan 25, 2011
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The video below made me wanna do a little review, as the video shows it in action. I have been using the pH perfect line Sensi Grow & Bloom. Anyone that followed my grows can see it in action and the results I'm getting. It's so simple a caveman can do it! Mix and pour. I didn't pH adjust anything in my grows. My well water comes out at 5.5 and the nutes bring it between 5.7-5.9. I did check the pH in the begining to make sure it's working, it was so consisant that I put my pH meter away. You do not need their whole line like it shows in the video before it works either, just the base nutrients. I do use Bud Candy from them as it's a product I believe works. I would recommend anyone to try these especially new growers. If you can't afford high dollar pH meters just get these nutes. I always hated pH adjusting all my stuff it was time consuming. A true KISS garden. They don't sell it in the US yet. I have been ordering mine from Canada.


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Didn't watch the vid, but does it make the ph perfect, no matter how many nutrients you add? Like say I make two batches, both one gallon. I mix one gallon seedling strength, and one gallon max strength, they both come out between 5.7-5.9? If so, that's pretty nifty.
Yep, seedling strength is 1ml a liter. Small plants with 3-5 sets of leafs is 2ml a liter. Full strength is 4ml a liter. I run half strength every watering, with a occasional full strength feeding.
Ive watched the whole vid, its actually amazing!

I wonder how much it costs... cos this guy been adding way too many substances in these reservoir! :P

Thats impressive! :drool:
gsbm from what i've seen its about $12 a litre for the bloom or grow and around $15 for the micro (basic line of nutes)

Been wanting to get me some of this stuff but i'd have to order it online which brings the price to double or more for me which i just cant justify paying that..lol
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is it worth the loot??? im gonna run the conni A&B and add some additives and supplements what do u suggest??No need for grow nutes when doing autos right??
Replied to you in my grow thread, but yeah you will need some veg nutes as well. You can get Sensi Grow, since your getting Connie for bloom.
That video is awesome. I've been using the pH Perfect nutes for a little while now and I knew they were kickin' some 'tocks but that video really shows off what they do.

I just wanted to add that YES, you do NOT need to get every damn additive. It seriously pisses me off when people say you need every thing and then they use that to bash AN nutes and say they're ridiculously expensive. It's a freakin' straw-man argument.

I've just all their stuff that I can think of. There might be one or two things I haven't tried but I can't think of any offhand. But anyway I feel that they're all great but I don't use them all at once. I did one time, and it was definitely my best grow, but it also cost more obviously and I like things simpler.

Now I usually grow with about 5 or 6 bottles plus the base nutes. It's easy and I grow the best stuff I've ever personally tasted, and that's all that matters to me.
This is fantastic news. I wanted Yo try this lineup instead of buying ph equipment. Do you have to use the ph perfect additives with the base for it to still work or can I get the regular that we can get in the states? Also could you post your weekly feeding schedule?