Lighting Additional deep & far red LEDs & when to use them?

Dr. Bruce knows his stuff man! Wish I could be an apprentice under his leadership because every seminar he's presented, I've sat down, listened to and studied what he's said..chimes true every time if you know what you're doing!
Anyways, I'm glad this is the topic of my very first post here! I've been kinda fascinated with light physics my whole life basically and how biology interacts with it, especially cannabis! Another thing that has fascinated me in the past 10 years is the evolution of lighting technology and then this wave of Ruderalis cultivation! What a trip! Seriously, I remember back when, reading High Times and the like and ordering, I was blown away with how it did everything by itself and the taste....way better than most of the stuff you could get your hands on back then!! Things have come a long way but in no way have I been antiquated, no sir! One other thing I'd like to point out is that this site is a breath of fresh air compared to Rollitup. I've been a member there since basically it's conception in the early 2000s.
But yeah, I've got a jack herer auto from ilgm under a Lenofocus lf100 and a Chinese PCB 122 led R, B, IR, UV and 5000k white(cheap but Tobacco and Rhubarb grow massive under this 45watt led!) light. I also have a 80watt T12 cool white hanging vertically to give side lighting. We've made it to now week 9 but it hasn't come easy I guess you could say. I've made several mistakes along the way but the hardiness of this strain is incredible! From the day it was placed in rockwool there were inevitable issues, no viable fertilizers for the first 2 weeks in bubbleponics DWC, high PH ~8.1 Ro water was used and h2o temps were consistently in low 80s.View attachment 1335513 Air temps as this drought and heat wave looms, room temps sometimes sometimes spiked to 88-91° with varying humidity levels. I could keep going with issues that popped up but as of today my girl has bounced back and to a normally photoperiod-sensitive kind of guy, this auto appears to maybe have 2 weeks left. Question; is it too late to add an initiation puck I'd build using 3x 8watt 720nm far red LEDs with a 35 watt meanwell driver? I get that these types of plants don't grow like photos do but then if there's already an instruction map in place for Autos, far red would then be counter productive and is merely wasting electricity. I'm trying to bulk the flowers already formed and am blasting her with GH liquid and dry Koolbloom, CalMag w/fulvic iron and sulfur, Golden tree, Sweet Raw, Hydroguard and hopefully in the next day or two, Floralicious plus and floraBlend Vegan for a last minute "sweetener" before an unbuffered RO/Distilled flush last couple days. Ph stays around 6.2, temps high 70s and roots are still white despite dyes, no rot ever, no slime and my 5 gal bucket is full, of roots!
Anyways, sorry for length..I come from Rollitup where, well, you might know where I'm going but back to my question; is it really worth attempting the Emerson Effect and add more far red light on my auto at this stage?
Thanks for the add everyone! Glad to be here!View attachment 1335512
No replies? Did you try in the end mate? What was the result?
I bought mine as a kit but from DIYLEDUK as just wanted the red diodes by themselves, this is how mine is setup, maybe this heatsink they sell you can use for your strip? My strip is just stuck on with some sort of double sided tape to the heatsink but I'm sure you could drill and screw it in instead.
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Greenie, i'm in uk and diyled uk arnet doing customs anymore so i got a 125w to give it a whirl,. In last couple of weeks of flower with speed+autos in 3L pots. I've found out this strain grows as high as it's pot! Never again, but anyway. Grateful for your thoughts. atb