Adding UVB light - guidance?


Cultivators Club
Feb 27, 2021
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Any words of wisdom from experienced users of UVB lights? I’ve read various posts from @St. Tom and @Mañ'O'Green as well as others and am convinced of the benefit. I just ordered the California Light Works UVB lamp. From my understanding, I will start with one 30-minute session mid-light cycle (middle of the night so I am not exposed and because my dark time is midday; my timer only has 30 minute increments). How quickly should I increase? Am I correct that my goal total uvb time is about 2 hours per 24-hr period (in 30 minute bursts)? I’ve read a wide variation of max times, so I’d rather hear from the AFN brain trust who have actually used the lights. I will be using only the last 2-3 weeks of the grow, of course. CLW advises keeping the light 3 feet above the canopy, so I’ll aim for as high as I can get above the plants (3ft will be tough with the plant height and the HLG light/infinity fan already using some vertical space).

Really appreciate everyone’s input.
Any words of wisdom from experienced users of UVB lights? I’ve read various posts from @St. Tom and @Mañ'O'Green as well as others and am convinced of the benefit. I just ordered the California Light Works UVB lamp. From my understanding, I will start with one 30-minute session mid-light cycle (middle of the night so I am not exposed and because my dark time is midday; my timer only has 30 minute increments). How quickly should I increase? Am I correct that my goal total uvb time is about 2 hours per 24-hr period (in 30 minute bursts)? I’ve read a wide variation of max times, so I’d rather hear from the AFN brain trust who have actually used the lights. I will be using only the last 2-3 weeks of the grow, of course. CLW advises keeping the light 3 feet above the canopy, so I’ll aim for as high as I can get above the plants (3ft will be tough with the plant height and the HLG light/infinity fan already using some vertical space).

Really appreciate everyone’s input.

I have a 4' Agromax Pure UV along with two Agromax UVA Plus bulbs. It's the same setup Man O Green has. It definitely made a difference! I would contact California LWs as the Agromax lights are a different beast. You can fry your plants and yourself! One of my plants reacted negatively in just 5 minutes of UVB from the Agromax bulb. So if it were me, I'd contact them and see what they recommend. Straight from the horses mouth.
Sorry to not be of more help, but apples to oranges comparison. Both fruit,but...