Indoor Ace's Auto Malawi and Zamaldelica

May 1, 2013
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I started 2 of Ace's Auto Malawi's under a 600 Watt led dual COB. Had to re-pop another one because the first one fail to germinate because the shell was so hard and didn't realize until it was to late my bad lol. Never the less the second one is only 4 days behide and they are looking healthy. Since I'm growing in coco and using Advanced nutrients I will slowly up my grow A+B fed. They will also be getting Sensizym Organic, B-52, Cal/Mag and Great White during Veg. Also started a Auto Zamaldelica a few days later once I received my packaged which was fast.

Malawi #1 day 10 or so got her first dose of nutrients at .5 ml's a L, 7 or so hours ago and is already starting to grow. She was starting to fade a little. Happy growing as always.


Malawi #2 is day 4 or 5 and looking good.

Second update, they seem to be growing fast I guess. One is on day 18 or 20 and the other is on day 13 or 14. The bigger one is at 1 ml a l right now. The smaller one was at .5 ml a l. Just gave the smaller one 1 ml a l so she will start growing more. Also bought a Co2 bag for my room that's in the top left corner of the picture. Used those before with pretty good results. The bigger one is about to start LST. This update was 3 days ago so they are already bigger now
. I def like growing autos. About to start a Mephisto Genetics White Chem tomorrow, will update as well. Happy growing all.

Auto Zamaldelica at day 3, she's at day 7 or so now.


Both Auto Malawi's second update, bigger one day 18 or 20, smaller one is day 13 or 14.

Another update. They are growing fast. Haven't had to give them nutrients, just watered last night after I took pictures. The bigger Malawi is getting LST'd and seems to be more NL's. While the smaller one seems to be more Sativa. Only time will tell though. The Zamal is growing fast and looks thin. Started a White Chem which has 30% perlite, 70% coco. She is growing faster and above ground now, 2 days old. I will say adding perlite is for sure the way to go with autos for speed since you start the seed right in the pot. I also pre-nutriated the perlite/coco mix before planting the seed with .3 m per liter of nutrients and I can for sure see a difference in growth in the seedling. The White Chem didn't burn at all. Happy growing all.

Both Malawi's




White Chem

Update on my Malawi's and Zamal. Increased the nutrients for veg the last two doses to max strength which is 4ml's per L. Doesn't seem to be burning them at all which is great to see. I saw others only staying at max 2ml's per L max so figured I would max it one dose to see what would happen and she grew just fine.

Malawi #1 is at 19 inches tall. Malawi #2 is at 12 inches tall, she got started a few days after. The Zamal is already at 12 inches tall as well. All three got LST'd. Malawi #1 got LST'd a few time's more.

Seems as if my Malawi's are in flowering correct? I was wondering if my Zamal is also in flowering as well? Never grown Auto's so I would like to hear some input on it to know if I should stop my veg nutrients. I wouldn't think the Malawi #2 would be flowering so already has she is only a foot tall. Than again I know Sativa's can double or triple in flowering. The Malawi's are stretching over a inch a day now which is now to see. The Zamal is only stretching about 1/2 a inch a day. The Malawi #1 is 20 inches tall, Malawi #2 is 13 inches tall, Zalam is also 13 inches tall. All have been LST'd. Someone told me to mix Veg and Flowering nutrients? Any clue why that is? Should I switch to flowering nutrients now or indeed mix the two? All options welcome. Thanks and happy growing all.

Both Malawi's, Bigger one day 45, smaller one day 40.


Zamal, Only day 35.


Malawi #1 Top cluster, she looks to be flowering


Malawi #2 Top cluster, she also looks to be flowering


Zamal, Top cluster, is she flowering?

the smaller malawi got stunted somehow, maybe an odd pheno expression, could be watering also? Coco can dry out quickly, the bigger plant looks like it will stretch some more. As far as I know malawi x nl is a heavy feeder for a autoflower, especially the nl leaning hybrid. Auto zamal looks fine, I would keep the feed at 1ml per liter, only increase if she wants more.
Thanks for the reply. I think since the smaller one is more Sativa she just took more time to take off. She is really growing now lol. Since I started the Malawi's on flowering nutrients they have grown a lot. Malawi #1 is at 26 inches and Malawi #2 is at 17 inches. The smaller one is def growing faster now with flowering nutrients. Will post another update soon.

the smaller malawi got stunted somehow, maybe an odd pheno expression, could be watering also? Coco can dry out quickly, the bigger plant looks like it will stretch some more. As far as I know malawi x nl is a heavy feeder for a autoflower, especially the nl leaning hybrid. Auto zamal looks fine, I would keep the feed at 1ml per liter, only increase if she wants more.
Thanks for the reply. I think since the smaller one is more Sativa she just took more time to take off. She is really growing now lol. Since I started the Malawi's on flowering nutrients they have grown a lot. Malawi #1 is at 26 inches and Malawi #2 is at 17 inches. The smaller one is def growing faster now with flowering nutrients. Will post another update soon.
Awesome dude, looking forward to the flower show.
Everything is growing great now with the flowering nutrients. Malawi #1 is at 29 inches and Malawi #2 is at 20 inches. Zamal is also at 20 inches. Started giving both Malawi's Big Bud now as they look to be into week 2 of flowering. The White Chem is starting to grow nicely. Since the bigger Malawi is basically taking over the area I will be adding another LED light over the Zamal and White Chem so they can get better light. I will spread them out some so they have room to grow more as they look like they need it. Happy growing all.

Both Malawi's


Malawi #1 Top Bud




White Chem


Group Shot

Update, Malawi's are growing nicely. Malawi #1 the top bud is over 16 inches tall. Couple of the side branches are 12 or so inches which are nice to see. They should end up being pretty big at the end. The Zamal is very tall now. Not much for the White Chem this time. Happy growing all.



Malawi Top bud 12 inches or so.


