Indoor A-Train's Going Back to Basics.......

yea I hope its gonna surprise me on what it yields since the bud is so dense. Even the smaller buds are crazy dense on it and extremely sticky and frosty. Im anxious to see the difference between the marsII 700w Im gonna grab and the 300w old school style mars. I think it will help with the penetration and hopefully even denser buds lol. I also have a question on ponytailing multiple girls. Should I rotate which ones Im ponytailing so I dont have to have 6 extra fluorescents. What would be the best way to do it with 6 little ladies? And should I even use the extra light right on them?
haven't seen my res drop since turning on the domes and aqua valves lol....

My only problem is I wanted it to work because I leave town for a week starting freakin sunday. Yes ms.train
Will be home and has managed the plants before but not to this capacity.

Here's my plan.

In my mind no matter what the large root mass WILL make it to the hydroton. I think it's just going to take a little longer. I have my airdomes running. And at the moment the trays are full. Yes I'm going to waste some nutes but I'm top feeding 1 liter daily and if they are not drinking the pot I change it. I turn off the res. Pull the pots brain the trays, put the pots back in top feed 1 liter and turn on res again. In my mind when the larger tap gets down in the hydroton the rest will follow and flourish .. I'm just making sure there's voodoo and piranha down there and they blow up...

That's the plan in my little pee brain. I could just be top feeding autos for the next 70 days lok
Damn bro, did you fill up the hydroton to much as well lol? You really need the coco to be able to wick up the water so the whole pot gets moisture though... You can try overfilling the trays initially to see if that gets it started, seemed to work for Wile.
Damn bro, did you fill up the hydroton to much as well lol? You really need the coco to be able to wick up the water so the whole pot gets moisture though... You can try overfilling the trays initially to see if that gets it started, seemed to work for Wile.
what size air pump do you use @Hansbricks and @A-Train could this be the issue ? is the pump not shifting enough air to the system