

Dewd! -- pic's like this are giving me "repetitive motion injuries"!!

... I swear, it's uncanny how your girls seen to know to stay low, and build fat-phat so they fit like jig-saw pieces in that tent,...And what lookers they are--

Wow!... you get lots of beautiful colors my friend, are they getting a little chill during lights off to promote it? As usual, the resin meter needle is bending off the stop peg!

--- talk up the aromas, would ya? ....

- dig the new dry tent brudda, great idea for your situation...
...Ah, the ol' darkness period theory,... I think there's some truth in it, but it's conditional, IMO,... my understanding is that plants outdoors, and to a lesser degree indoors, are exposed during day/light hours to environmental conditions that deplete terpenes-- wind/breezes, Sun/powerful lights, warm temp's-- all of which evaporate/degrade terpenes (many lighter molecular weight ones are
very volatile); it's at night that they are replenished, and is why cannabis and many other aromatic flowers are best taken early in the morning, when peak terp' contents are present... I know my plants (outdoors) are undoubtedly at their most stanky mid morning, after a little Sun has warmed them up! As for the time in the dark, I've found nothing but anecdotal opinion, but my thinking is beyond a day or so, gains, if any, are minimal,... too long in the dark, and the energy to make those terpenes is gone, and from there out it's a negative effect.... As for cannabinoids, nothing I've read indicates the dark period increases the potency per se, but max'ing out the terpenes (and all they do for making the quality of the high) can make it seem like it does

,... It's a fact that UVB increases THC content, the theory being that it probably protects the plant--or more likely, the (potentially) developing seeds- from DNA damage that this wavelength is known for; take away the "stressor" of UVB for long, and the extra build up stops, maybe even goes down (?)... terpenes and cannabinoids are energetically and resource expensive for the plant to produce, so take away the extra "push" influences, and they may reduce output in kind,... :smoking: