New Grower A Question About Hash


User of Advanced Lunar Technology
Feb 10, 2015
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While I wait for my fucking mylar to arrive (it's been over a week and it hasn't even shipped, amazon tells me its due to arrive sometime this week), I've been reading up and trying to prepare for my grow. I've got my seeds picked out, and the last of my supplies ready to order or pick up in store (once my next check comes in), and been giving thought to the drying and curing.

Of course, I don't want to waste anything from my smaller grow, and a former grower friend of mine told me that he would use the stems and trimmings from his grows to make iso hash. So, my questions:

What can I use from the grow to make iso hash? Fan leaves, stems, or just certain ones in particular?

Do I need to dry them first? Cure them?

I've made simple iso hash before; I've got a coffee grinder, glass jar, fine mesh strainer, pyrex baking dish, and alcohol. Of course, then I used shake, stems and seeds from my bags, and keif to make it. Just trying to learn all I can ahead of time so I can be prepared.
You can use anything you like, but I use only the buds, popcorn buds on the lowers and the sugar leaves. Personal choice, but I find, the better and cleaner the product going in, the better product coming out. So, its up to you. Sorry to hear about having to wait on your mylar, but that is the game when you order online. Dont worry man, it will show up!:Sharing One:
My rule for iso hash is If it's got trichs it gets used and do not grind it up fine just loosely break it up don't leave it in the iso longer than 30 secs or it'll be sticky oily hard to mess with iso hash
Also you need to strain it through pre dampened coffee filters
It's best to drain it through a wire mesh first then through coffee filters so the iso don't set in the trim or what ever you use and pull out waxes and chlorophyll

Check back through the hash section for threads named qwiso < quick wash iso probably round page 3 or 4 it's an older thread but all the info you need is there :thumbs: