Hey pop22, I feel the urge to correct you on the ruderalis
The further from the equator you go, the longer days are in summer(when plants grow), over the polar cycle there's 24h sun in summers, when ruderalis flowers outdoors.
Due to harsh climates there are no native plants at the far northern or southern poles. The further NORTH you go the longer days are, further SOUTH you go the shorter days are. These areas where ruderalis exist do indeed see a point of no sunlight. Even if it may happen to be 2 months before hand. I'd imagine you'd get lots of vegging plants with poor root structure. As was stated by these are only a couple of factors. Do roots only dig during dark periods? Orrr are they constantly digging down in search of water no matter time of day, light hours, etc.
Edit: I correct myself. There are a couple species of plants native to the north. However most growth is shown below the surface in the roots. Little vegetation. grasses, sedge, mosses, lichens. High winds, cold temps...plants cant flower.
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