while i was reading your post i noticed you said you have some sort of slime in your res, and i just wanted to throw out there that i also use rhizotonic and while drawing some up in a syringe one day i noticed there was what looked like mycelium, and i then thought back to a product advance nutrients had which was a root stimulant i think it was called something stupid like tarantula. but none the less funghi have been known to help roots in various symbiotic ways, could you have mistaken the slime for mycelium or was it for sure algae?
also that last pic is f-ing sweet man is that lonely cfl down there a uv-b or just a red cfl?
btw mad props on your cab!! most homebuilt ones blow and are messy and cluttered:clap:
best of luck!! ill be hovering around watching to see what happens with that bitch!