Fast Buds A new western....maryjane wayne and her six shooter

Aug 23, 2015
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Well everyone we are finally here...the fast buds film contest....what a great idea and good fun this should be....
For my participation I was gifted the strain six shooter by fast buds American autoflowers's a little background on the strain...

Genes: sativa/Indica
Genetics: crystal METH x Mexican airlines
Flowering: 9 weeks from germination
Harvest US: up to 1.6 pounds per light
Harvest EU: 500 - 750 gr/m2; 80-350 g/plant
Height US: up to 55 inches
Height EU: 100 - 140 cm
THC: Very high
CBD: 0,6%

Setting our sights on the goal of creating a super productive autoflowering strain, we thought long and hard about the traits that our geneticist could select to attain maximum results - unprecedentedly high yield and powerful effect - to greatly exceed what is just "a good autoflower". We selected the best of the best - the FastBuds flagship strains: Chrystal METH and Mexican Airlines. But this was only the beginning. Many months of stabilization were spent enhancing the vigor and potency of this new strain while retaining the key features of the parent strains. We are truly proud of our work and our hybrid fully lives up to its poppin' name - Six Shooter.


Six Shooter - it's always fully loaded: attractive citrus-incense aroma with a smooth, fresh smoke that's complemented by notes of pepper, and in possession of such a strong effect that it will leave you disoriented in space and time.


Each smokin' toke of Six Shooter hits the target dead center. Right after the first inhale you'll fly first class on Mexican Airlines to your own Chrystal Paradise. The effect is as sudden and profound as a barrage of explosive bullets fired by the quickest hand in the Wild West. Initially, the effect is precisely and totally in the head, then spreads to the body. Even if your tolerance is high, Six Shooter will strike you hard and unrelentingly with its unstoppable power. And don't forget its mind-blowing yield that is worthy of the best commercial grove. We can't say that its effect is mellow, so it's not suitable for use throughout the day. This weed is better for evening use. But don't worry, it won't leave you with a sensation of numbness or heaviness.


This strain is the largest, most massive, heaviest-yielding autoflower in our catalog. It reaches a height of approximately 100 to 140 cm (3.2 – 4.5 ft), exhibiting a beefy, elongated central cola surrounded by side colas of relatively more modest size. Also worth noting is the excellent, productive branch structure and shape in relation to the central stem and cola. Its bright green leaves are desirably sparse and have a rounded shape. The resulting high bud-to-leaf ratio makes the process of manicuring pleasantly fast. Flowering occurs 3 to 4 weeks after the emergence of the first true leaves. It is surprising that such a high-yielding autoflower is ready for harvest in just 9 weeks. Final yields reach a staggering 500 to 750 grams per square meter (up to 1.6 pounds per light). By the end of flowering you will understand why we chose the name Six Shooter. Its dense buds, reminiscent of large-caliber bullets and coated with a white powder of trichomes, sport a THC content of up to 21%! When grown outdoors, Six Shooter is notable for its speedy growth and outstanding production. This combo is of course the best option for a quick harvest. The adaptability of Six Shooter means that it also excels when grown indoors. Overall, Six Shooter won't stink up the barn. But that doesn't mean it ain't fragrant like the finest brothel. During mid-flowering a subtle citrus fragrance mingled with fine incense becomes apparent. The smoke has a soft, resinous herbal aroma.

Each time I read this I get more and more excited....three days in and I'm ready to watch these babies take off!!! So let's get a breakdown of what I've got going....
Grow room: 4X7 feet panda film (90% reflective material) room built around a 5,000BTU window unit in my upstairs
Temps: 75-84
RH. 35-49%
Lighting: (2)amare technologies solar spec 150es (300w total actual draw from the wall) Daisy chained together to cover a 3X2.5 foot print for flower. If things get out of control one will go under the Mars 1200
Soil: my medium is a little something I whipped up myself consisting of 50% promix HP/ 25% botanicare cocogro (100% neutral, Pre-rinsed coco fibers)/25% mother earth [HASHTAG]#3perlite[/HASHTAG]
Pots: basic [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] plastic pots
Nutrients: advanced nutrients
Water source: RO
Fans and air: 5,000BTU window A/c directly in room with two 36" inch tower fans in either corner and a stealth F6 415cfm fan removing air from the tent through a carbon filter and outside

That about sums it's up. Pretty basic setup and grow. Everything will be all natural, no training other than some occasional leaf tucking and pruning a leaf here and there.

I want to thank @FastBuds for having such a sweet comp and letting us hash it out with your gear!!!!

The girls are three days old today. They began germination Thursday evening in their final pots, no paper towels, no cups, no transplanting....when I sow the bean it sapproximately 1cm deep into a Pre dampened medium then lightly covered with loose medium, misted with a spray bottle then covered with a clear solo cup The first two days I leave them under clear solo cups so pics don't show much....but today I began to acclimate them to their new environment and the solo cups will be gone within about 18 hours....than the fun begins....

Pics coming shortly....
Love having you around Bailey! Thanks for subbing up!! How's life today?
Pretty good budy I had a new job interview today that went well but I'm a little worried about my babies they are really stretched as seedling I have gave them a little support and im going to bury the stems more pop over let me know what ure opinion is bro
how's the grow coming along good buddy
Not so good garden over the past two weeks has been a war with fungus gnats. I've been too busy and embarrassed to post. I already got give up mode because I broke my phone and lost germination pics and first two day pics. So I figured im screwed for even having a chance at winning now. Very upset and disappointed in myself and have spent all morning checking out grows wondering what I'm doing wrong once's pics of all three girls today being day 15...
After I get everything cleared out I'm changing everything up. Throwing away all my soil, nutrients and most of what I've learned and going completely back to the basics. As I try more things and try to upgrade things I get further and further away from the basic fundamentals and my grows have gotten real weak. I've had one harvest I've been happy with out of the last like 4-5. Hopefully this doesn't offend anyone but I'm basically at screw LED, advanced nutrients and trying to create a more airy soil. My biggest yield so far was with HPS, fox farm nutrients (just the basic trio) and basic veg nutrients until stretch stops than switch to bloom. All 1/4 pound dry plants. A year later still chasing my tail trying to get a worthy yield but I couldn't even hit 4oz on dinafem cheese xxl. So it's either time to quit growing....or to hop off all these "next best things" trains and get back to the basics. The fundamentals of how a plant grows.
I mean these are 15 days old and haven't done nothing. Those are only 3 gal pots. Ridiculous and embarrassing as all get out.
Kudos and a major shout out to everyone on here who truly knows how to consistently grow cannabis and find their own way. A year later and I'm still mimicking tangs schedule trying to make it work for me and it's not anymore. I need to put down my phone, stop reading and watching everyone else succeed and I need to start from scratch and find my own way. Because the way these are going I'm going to have another crappy grow. I couldn't even get a good grow from kind soil. Just add water....LMAO....these are easily 5-7 days behind in growth. If it wasn't for a competition I'd probably just scrap them im so frustrated at this point.
Hang in there. They look good. Just a little behind. Have you tried mosquito dunks for the fungus gnats?

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Not yet just been watering lightly, lots of yellow stickies and air moving. Did a French with SNS 203 two weeks ago and have started hitting some with root cleaner as well.