Here is a green planet fed cush From Day 0ne fed nothing but GP This actually puts A/N to shame the size of this plant. The fortunate Canadians and europeans can get this nutrients but only COLORADO sells retail the rest of the united states is WHOLESALE what a BUMMER. This cost me between 1/16 and 1/8 of what it would have cost to use my A/N schedule to grow the same size plant. I shit you not.This Colrado Cookies auto by D.P.
I'm trying to get 100g from my "first" 2 grows. Only thing I can get my hands on out here is the Medi Kit with Medi-One, Massive, Liquid W8, and Finisher.
Anyone got a report back on the Medi-one kit from GP? I'm impressed by this GP grow, but it's been a few years since this. What's the opinion on GP today?
impressive. I use GP a lot, I've grown some monsters with it. I'm currently trying to use megacrop, we'll see if it's easier. I did find a lot of pH adjusting no matter what nutes I use. So far the GP is my favorite of about ten systems.
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