New Grower A little something to learn


I love growing
Dec 19, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
I'm a grower not a smoker.
If you can learn all about the full life cycle and lighting and feeding schedules, please, for christ sake, learn how to flip your pictures right side up. You can do it!

Happy growing.
Is that a phone thing?
If you can learn all about the full life cycle and lighting and feeding schedules, please, for christ sake, learn how to flip your pictures right side up. You can do it!

Happy growing.

Seems if you shoot the photos in portait mode the system flips them to landscape mode when you upload them to AFN so they appear sideways. Better to shoot in landscape mode. Not sure what causes the AFN system to display photos upside down. I read that if you use a photo editing software to rotate/orient photos before uploading them to AFN it displays them corectly, but don't know if that's accurate as I haven't tried it. I am guessing if you store your photos on an outside site and link to AFN (as opposed to uploading to AFN) they display properly, but I haven't tried that either. However anyone posts their photos, just a friendly security reminder to either turn off geolocation recording on camera or phone before shooting photos or use an EXIF editing software to strip location out of EXIF data before posting.
Seems if you shoot the photos in portait mode the system flips them to landscape mode when you upload them to AFN so they appear sideways. Better to shoot in landscape mode. Not sure what causes the AFN system to display photos upside down. I read that if you use a photo editing software to rotate/orient photos before uploading them to AFN it displays them corectly, but don't know if that's accurate as I haven't tried it. I am guessing if you store your photos on an outside site and link to AFN (as opposed to uploading to AFN) they display properly, but I haven't tried that either. However anyone posts their photos, just a friendly security reminder to either turn off geolocation recording on camera or phone before shooting photos or use an EXIF editing software to strip location out of EXIF data before posting.

True on all counts. I never upload from my phone. I always put them on my PC, then flip if needed. And I totally forgot about the GPS data in them! lol
True on all counts. I never upload from my phone. I always put them on my PC, then flip if needed. And I totally forgot about the GPS data in them! lol

Oops lol. I take it you are in The Great White North, so soon enough not a big problem for you :smoking:
Just crop before uploading, even full size, once cropped, it recognizes it in portrait.

I think it's the site recognizing 16x9 format as displayed on a computer. Drives me crazy... I go back and edit mine, I hate looking at them that way.
Just crop before uploading, even full size, once cropped, it recognizes it in portrait.View attachment 847107
I think it's the site recognizing 16x9 format as displayed on a computer. Drives me crazy... I go back and edit mine, I hate looking at them that way.

same here....a quick crop fixes the problem
Oops lol. I take it you are in The Great White North, so soon enough not a big problem for you :smoking:
I have 500 acres of rural forest in a watershed with loads of natural forest streams, so I've always been good. At least from April to November:) But it's -40F with the wind today. lol

Any new proposed legislation is always far from perfect when it's enacted. For example, at first they said the highest a plant could be was 100cm (3ft). So that would mean the cops would have to carry a tape measure with them, so they dropped that requirement. But they didn't change the amount of dried flower you can have. Does that mean I have to chose which cola to keep and put the rest in the garbage? What if my dried flower starts to mold because I didn't cure properly? I'm out of medicine for a year? What if someone on a disability pension or has limited financial means, can only afford regular seeds instead of feminized seeds and ends up with 3 or 4 males? The person will have to wait another year to grow some? Indoor growing equipment is out of reach for a lot of people. And what if you grow indoors, even if you can afford a nice tent and equipment, your home can legally be labeled a grow op. Which means you lose about half the value of your home and have to spend about 30k remediating it so you can sell it. Sheesh.. These are only a few of many issues to be ironed out. At least they won't be arresting us for taking a toke at a concert (but they haven't been doing that for years anyway).

Between you and me, how many people grow their own vegetables? Once they see how much of a pain in the ass it can be to grow, they'll abandon it like they did their tomatoes. And once the smell hit's the kitchen window, the wife will make the dude pull it out of the ground. lol Still it's nice to know we're moving in the right direction.
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Just crop before uploading, even full size, once cropped, it recognizes it in portrait.View attachment 847107
I think it's the site recognizing 16x9 format as displayed on a computer. Drives me crazy... I go back and edit mine, I hate looking at them that way.
God damn. Nice looking girls. 3 leaves?
God damn. Nice looking girls. 3 leaves?
Eh, just younguns! Just over 2 weeks. Am seeing the standard leaves after the first step.