Outdoor A Journey to Myself - Season #3

Thanks Gtg

Me will change to autoflowers from next year on and only a few fast photoperiod strains, we have to talk about that this winter period as i want to try your organic way and also biotabs for autos

Haven't seen your garden in a while let's chat soon :pass:
Sure anything you need bro[emoji482]
Oh :shrug: me mobile emojis do not work in here, maybe 2 stoned :baked:
Then animals eat it. Im a hunter. I hunt for meat. But i was told now from all the stuff they spray on the seeds then all the spray on the crops. The meat around farm areas is getting bad and about pointless to eat.
like the groundwater in heavily farmed areas, poison to drink
Did i forget to mention i have also a Frisian Dew/DP standing?:coffee:

Visited the Frisian Dew today and she' still alive:crying: normally i was prepared to cut her down coz farmers will harvest the corn earlier this year and i haven't been at her last 2 weeks, but what i saw surprised me a lot, so ne fed here a good PK boost and she likes it, already in early bloom, me Looooove this strain that much :biggrin:

Look yourself....



the leaves are a bit small for my taste lol

holding her own amongst all that tall corn
Frisian Dew sunbathing in the morning and enjoing the feeds, she is all over in a lush green, no red branches or spots on leaves, but flowers will not finish in time. I think there are less then 2 weeks and farmer will harvest his corn and will cut her down this weekend, so at least i can grow in there next years again.:hookah:








Happy Growing AFN
Bummer about the timing! Maybe some big autos to beat the corn harvest?
oops, just saw your auto comment:pass:
:yeahthat: Big auto's all the way, and only what FV's have proven themselves! Plenty of time to contemplate that,...:smoking: Maybe try one of SeedStockers Fast Critical XXL out there next season?

...It always sucks to have to chop a perfectly good plant,...:doh:.... but you know best of all, nothing ventured, nothing gained!
Miracle Place
Moved the Kushy with a local buddy from the left field through the corn rows to the right field about Meters, pretty though job done, but now she is save and can bloom to finish i hope. The Critical for any reason couldn't find the start to bloom and i was close to give her the PK kick, but she is they to behind and so me cutted her down today and buried her under the soil. Normally me expected the Critical to be the first to go into bloom, but it was the Kushy, she is already in week 3 of flowers and will finish pretty close to end of the month.:thumbsup:


But she had very good root system and was really strong in grow, will do her next years again for sure and give the PK kick earlier.:pighug:



Corn is very close to harvest at the left side of the field.:coffee2:


This is the left side of the corn field........:nono:

and this the right side where the farmer planted the corn about 4-5 weeks later....:nono:


and this is the middle of both, you can see the corn on the left is bigger then on the right, i bet in less then 2 weeks farmer will harvest the left side.:nono:

Happy Growing AFN
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Wonderland Place


Doesn't exist any longer, when i went in last week to feed plants with grow bags :poof: :poof: gone.:nono::yoinks:

I was 100% that sure to harvest here and that nobody has seen me entering or coming out, but :shrug: what can i say........ that's just the fate me has to live with as not sooooooooooooo legal here :crying: Good me always do several plants at different places :headbang: splitting risk is the key:vibe:
:yeahthat: Big auto's all the way, and only what FV's have proven themselves! Plenty of time to contemplate that,...:smoking: Maybe try one of SeedStockers Fast Critical XXL out there next season?

...It always sucks to have to chop a perfectly good plant,...:doh:.... but you know best of all, nothing ventured, nothing gained!
Already in plannings about Autoflower Plantage in my mind :hookah: thinking of 2 big 200 liter raised beds and both organic way.:vibe:

1 with Biotabs line and 1 with my a self made organic mix @Growtogrow will hopefully work it out with me coming winterperiod to be ready next year.:pass: So only water will be a issue to solve, but here i have also already some thoughts in mind.:headbang:

And growing all the old auto seeds i have to refresh my genetic stock. As for the FV's i will stick with Dinafems Quickys-
I hope it grows more mate !:pass: Maybe i will try sugar cane or beans or cucumber vines. This area is gnat central. I am getting some BTi stuff this time around.
Cheers mate:pass:for what will you grow the cane and cucumber?