A good Tea template

you can also make a cheese cloth pouch or similar to actually bag it up,which is a lil better imo. loose teas can potentially cause issue.rarely I'd think, but could happen if too much silt adds up.but its a finishing tea so wont be an issue,but other teas like this are the exact same way.
yeah this site here,and TeaLabs too are the two places I order pre mixed teas and specialized items from to tinker with and try recipes that I know are good. once I use these ill be breaking them down to utilize more or a certain item over others to increase the finishing characteristics.


U need to make your own line brother. Seriously. Ide use your mix without any concerns !!
oh I have my own actually LOL its based around the revs mix but aint his. but Im not a biz kinda guy. so i dont worry about it. when local open up I hope to make a small bit of a living helping and selling soil and grow info on the spot would be cool. but we'll see. and if your talking about teas,i have those too and they are based around Tea Labs template. although that recipe is exceedingly nice though. used it several times and I also have that tripple cast and life cube coming from tea labs. top shelf stuff man.
oh I have my own actually LOL its based around the revs mix but aint his. but Im not a biz kinda guy. so i dont worry about it. when local open up I hope to make a small bit of a living helping and selling soil and grow info on the spot would be cool. but we'll see. and if your talking about teas,i have those too and they are based around Tea Labs template. although that recipe is exceedingly nice though. used it several times and I also have that tripple cast and life cube coming from tea labs. top shelf stuff man.
Is urs for sale ?
got a finishing tea going. half strength, 2 packs per 4 gallons of water.

2 TBspns BS Molasses

1 rounded tsp [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] Inoculate (Soil Life)

1 tsp Recharge

I made Rice wash water too,to feed the Dragons and a cpl others at half strength.

1 tsp per gallon feed of Soluble Kelp.

2 full cups of Basmati rice washed with 2/3 - 3/4 of a gallon water.

5 or even 12 drops cal mag depending on situation. I'll be using three or four,maayybe 5,but thats all.and thats only to a select few who are still going. harvesting a few before too too long :D
