Photoperiod A girl scout cookies big adventure.

The Bedroom Gardener UK

Dragon Abuser
Cultivators Club
Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Lots of hash.
In mid 2018 I was gifted a cutting of Girl Scout Cookies. The person didn't know the seed bank, or if it was femmed or not, but it was a free female plant so that I do not turn down.

I grew her out during a very cold winter. So cold, the girl went black in the end.




Despite the cold and other issues, the smoke was nice, and the plant was a real joy to grow. Due to that I wanted another crack at it, so decided to re-veg her - on this thread, along side my Jamaican plant.

The re-veg was difficult for her, as I had taken the plant quite a long way before trying to bring it back again. So instead of working the whole plant, I decide to take a couple of cuttings from the new growth. It took about three weeks, but eventually we got roots, and in she went to some soil.



On we grew in my little veg cabinet. Slowly, but surely. She even got cut back a couple of times, due to the height of the little cabinet.



Potted her up a little, once she complained for a while.



She even got a go in the big tent, for a week. But was then put back again to the veg chamber, as I changed my mind on what I was growing next.


Then I changed my mind back again, and put her back in again. Now, here we are.



So I'll be giving her 1 more week in this pot, with some veg nutes. Then potting up into the final pot, for another 1 week. At this point I intend to take a cutting, and use this as the next gen. The lights will be flipped at that point, giving 2 weeks for transition and 8 weeks for flowering. I may keep this as a mum, depending on how the grow goes.

Once in the final pot I will be tying back the arms, to keep the plant opened up, and try to make a ring of buds.

Soil grow, 250w HPS all the way through, basic nutes. 80 x 80 x 120cm, currently shared with a couple of auto flowers who are finishing. They may be in there till the first week of 12/12, but it all depends.

Hope you join in.
It's been a couple of weeks since the last update, but now the forum is running again we can resume. All has been progressing.

The GSC has been transferred to her final pot. Still a little scruffier, and lighter green that I wish, but we will remedy that.



A few mroe days in the big tent, with new nutes and soil, and we're getting there. Looks like there will be a couple fo extra weeks veg, just to get to the fill I want.


I wanted to open up the plant a little, so have tied back the arms.


Here we are in full glory, looking quite well I feel.


Only takes a day or two, and we begin to point upwards again.



Nice green growth now, very pleased with her turnaround from a week or so ago.


Side shot, about 4 days after tie down.


Looking very small & alone in the tent.


Felt sorry for her, and wasting light, so put my other plant in there. Jamaican Haze.


Going to do the same with the Haze, as did with the GSC, and then flip next week.

More up soon...
@karlkutta Just regarding the below photo.

This cut has been vegging in a small pot for a good couple of months, as it's in my little veg box. Right from the off I start to supercrop it, and find I sometimes accidentally top it (when being too rough with the cropping). Other than that I don't really do much else with it. Hope that answers, but probably not lol.


Here's a couple of pics, to show the extent of the cropping i do. There's more knuckle than anything on this girl.

At least 4 different crops on this little section.


Looks like 5 on this one.


EDITED: Just noticed it's the same photo, but in and out of the bulb light lol. Fecking stoners. Hope you get it anyway.
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Weekly update, and we have flipped to 12/12 a couple of days ago. I want to get this in the swing, as took quite a cold turn out & don't want to hit the same issues of cold as last year.

I've tied down the Jamaican haze now,


Both girls together. They may be getting a new friend, Dawg Star I believe. If so, then it'll go straight 12/12.


More Haze shots.



Back to the cookies. Beginning of week.



And then today.



Couple of days before 12/12, and I took 4 new cuts, 2 off each plant. They are in the veg box for rooting.



Finally, a couple more Jamaican shots from today.


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Week 1 - 12/12

We've been in flower a week now. Everything as expected, although she is a bit lighter in colour. To combat this, I have dosed another full veg feed, to see if that helps. Getting a soil PH meter in the next few days, as I think my PH always goes off in the first few weeks of flower.

I was going to add another plant, but it has been cut back and placed in my veg chamber. it was very lanky, and would destroy the tight plants I have in there already. So, we have the JH on the left and GSC on the right.


Beginning of the week.




End of the week.



Then the JH. Starting to look really well.



The cuts and new plant (Dawg Star) in my veg box.

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Week 2 - 12/12

Growth has not been bad this week. The bud sites have started to form, and the first pistels popping up. The GSC is still a lot lighter in colour than I would like, and does not seem to be changing for the better. I believe that I've waited too long again to start these, as the temps have really went down. I'm working with anything from 10 - 22 degrees, even with my bar heater on 24x7 & additional insulation. The problem being is that the tent is in the garage, and the temps in there are well cold. North West UK has dropped to 0 a few times now, and will probably not get higher for a while.

Anyway, we continue on until we cannot. Some pics then...

GSC on the right.





Haze. Looking the much healthier plant ATM.


Week 3 - 12/12.

Slower growth this week, as it has been cold all along. I am managing to keep temps in between 14 - 21, which is still way at the bottom of the scale. Went as low as 11 one night in the tent, so no wonder.

The GSC is still looking poorly, quite drained & not drinking much. I've been doing as much as i can (feeding till run off, PHing, cal mag etc etc), but while it has not got worse, it has not got any better either.

It may well be that this girl has reached her limit, as it was probably a fem seed, which has been re-vegged, and then grown out again in the cold. Not the best conditions, but we will keep going till I kill or smoke her.

The Haze on the other hand has really stepped up, cold or not. i need to lay off of the veg nutes now, as getting a little N claw, but other than that no complaints.

This pic was taken a week ago, haze on left, GSC on the right.


We are starting to get a lot of bud tips up though.



And then a shot from last night.


Back shortly with more weather updates...
Looking a whole lot better than the before pics , looking good . I know the battle after the light cycle gets shortened you lose that light heat .:goodluck::goodluck: