Hi, guys!
I have a new update on my grow right now. I put up a newbuilt 33w lightfix, and i hung up two pc-fans in chains. It looks kind of s/m bondage-like,but i think it is going to work fine.
Plus i have good news about the pictures in the future. All the time i had an effect what´s name was "daylight". So it made the pictures brighter, even in the dark. I found a new effect that was named flourecent.
Here´s a pic of how i hung up the fans. It is kind of provisionally solution.

And here´s a before-picture.

After. This picture is taken with the "flourecent effect", so it´s quality is much better.

And this is the kind of lamp that i use.

And i think i am going to take more close-up´s of the plants later. I took pictures of the plants, but they wore bad so i´m not going to post them right now. But i will post a overlook pic so you can see how they are and stuff.
Here you can see the three O. Lowryders. I higher ed the reflector to get some more stretch from the plants. Not much, just 1-2 inches. What do you think of that? Should i maybe lower it again?

And here it another one.

And here is two of my newest buys. A pH-tester and a soilmoisture-tester. There both a very good help. I think everyone thats growing should have the soiltester, and the pH-tester.

I´ll be back in a couple of hours with some good pictures of the plants. The FIM i did on one of them was kind of unecessary, i will post a pic of that. And i will post a pic of the one that i have L.S-Trained, and the week old Easy Ryders. I´m going right now. See you in a few.