New Grower A first-time growers indoor growdiary.

Dec 23, 2011
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Hi, everybody! :)

I have been for some time thinking about starting a growdiary now. I am kind of a "newbie", and i need help from time to time. And i thought that a growdiary would be a good source for feedback. :)

Now for a little bit of info on what equipment i use, what strains i grow, etc.

I have two different "growrooms". One is used for the vegetative stage, and one is for the blooming stage. The veg-room is a regular wood-closet thats cut in half. And the bloom-room is a Secret Jardin DS90 growtent.

Strain: Lowryder F1 & Easy Ryder.
Lamps: 350w CFL (2700K) in the veg-room, and 250w HPS in the bloom-room.
Ventilation: In the veg-room i use a 13 inch, and a 18 inch
fan. In the bloom-room i use a 280 m3 (9888 cubic foot) exhaust-fan with a 350m3 (12 360 cubic foot) carbon-filter. No intake. I don´t know to what i should convert cubic meters into, so i converted it to foot.
Pots. I have my 7 week old plants in halfgallon pots. The 2 week old in 1½ gallon pots. The Easyryders are going in 1½ gallon pots later too.
Water. I keep my water in a 10 liter (2½ gallon) bucket. It is regular tapwater. I don´t have a pH-tester yet, but i am going to buy one tomorrow. Plus a oxygen-pump, with a stone to get some circulation.

I can´t come to think of anything more, but if there is anything important that i forgot to write. Please post and ask and i will answer as soon as possible.

I will post some pictures soon.

Here is some pictures of what i have under my CFL and HPS right now. :) (Sorry for the bad quality).

One of my soon to be 3 week old ladies. Newly transplanted.

Here is a close-up.

My first L.S.T. Lowryder. Tied down just yesterday.

And here is my two Easy Ryders. (1 week tomorrow).

My first harvest. I had to take this one becouse her soil didn´t dry out for a couple of days, and her leaves didn´t yellow, but just dried and snapped off.

How much do you think that i get when my harvest is all dried and cured?

The rest of the girls. 7 weeks old.

Here is a link to a thread i have posted some pictures of my first grow.
Torch404: I´m using Atami nuts.

Terra leaves & Terra Max, Atami Bloombastic, and Atazyme & ATA-Roots.

But right now with the newly transplanted i don´t use any nuts, becouse the soil that i´ve used was very high on N. So i am in fact thinking of flushing the soil, and maybe starting the feeding next week.
The only nut i use right now is a rootstimulator.

ggsm555: Thanks. Me too. :)
Best of luck with your grow. Looks like you're off to a good start.
Thanks everybody. :)
I´ll update with new pics soon. I just saw that the trained LR is reaching up towards the light now. I hope that you can see the difference in a couple of days.

I think i will post a pic today, and then one more of the same plant in a couple of days, so you can see how much it grows in 24 hours. It is really amazing, but you already know that of course. :)

Also i did a bad first-time FIM just now. I only took maybe 50% and i was scared to take more if i´ll hurt the plant. Do you think that i should cut it all off? I know it´s a bad picture, but maybe you´ll see what i mean anyways?

Now, i´m going to the postoffice to pay for a package i ordered some days ago. It´s pH-testers, oxygen-pump and other things.

Have a good day! /H.
Just a suggestion on your pictures. Take them when the lights are off or move the plants out from under your lights so that the pictures show their true color. Makes it much easier to see what's going on with them.
Muddy: I´ll do that. i fact i will try that right now. Thanks for the tip. I´ll be back in a couple of hours with the new pictures. I´ve heard that the one that i fimmed got two new growths.

See you in a couple then.
