Okay... So I will just flush them out with some water. I am concerned about rhe energizing those fungus gnats, though. We are giving foliar nutrients for the past week or so. We also took some of the solution and poured it directly into the soil up to about 3 inches or so away from the stalk. Only did that once, though. So, flush well with some ph balanced water and keep with the spray-on nutrients for now. Again, I don't mean to sound ignorant or like I haven't research or read up on this... But what would be a good source for the nitrogen if it's needed? I'll do some more research on nutrients, as well. I will take the advice of getting rid of the Miracle Gro. I've heard good things about something called Tiger bloom? Or something to that effect. Thanks again for all this wonderful info, everybody! Please keep it coming. God bless!