Day 5
Well I got home today to find my room with my tent in it at 109 degrees and inside the tent was 110!

Ran around looking for a leak in the ducting and found the hose clamp that held the ducting onto the pipe going outside had snapped, hose popped off, and was filling the room with air right from the reflector. Never seen a clamp snap like that on just ducting, only on high pressure water lines.... Would have probably been catastrophic if the AC wasn't on. Doubled up the clamps in case it was a bad batch and will make damn sure that doesn't happen again! Sprouts are ok, I vented the room with an extra fan and it's now at 86 degrees and falling. RH is at 46%. Can't imagine they were too happy but it was only 9 hours in the easy bake oven.
Gonna mix up some bigfoot root stimulator at 1/4 strength and soil drench on sunday. Should help them catch up after today, don't want to do it now though, still a bit early for chemicals...
Still some healthy growth since last pic, this is the same sprout as photographed a couple posts ago. Grabbing two humidifiers for the room tomorrow, should be able to get it around 70% RH with them even with the air exchange no problem
Still gotta grab a clamp on fan for inside the tent so the door doesn't need to be open with the big fan on it.
Any recommendations for feeding these girls Hush? Was planning on going 1/8th strength starting when they have three sets of leaves fully out and increasing it to 1/4 strength by week 3. Can I hit it hard after that or should I go easy? As a reminder it's liquid organic nutes from nectar for the Gods. (Oregon's Only)
Thanks to all who visited!