Inhale! Exhale! Let the Vibe enter your Mind!
I'm hopen to get this thread cruisen smooth and well fed.
A few nights back my awaited top dessing product arrived. I got some Coast of M Lobster Compost. I'd heard good things and apon opening and inspecting- its welcomposted and beautiful. One of the best out of the bag composts I've seen. The main reason I got it was to add different types of bacteria, fungi, ect. As well as micro nutes to my system. Its basically lobstershells and blueberry farm bio waste. And ofcource its organic!
I made my top dressing the night before last and its grown till tommorrow. I also got a tea brewing that's going to be around 30 hrs in the morning. Girls are looking at a very pampered next few days with a top dressing an Act and a good mulching tomorrow as well as the continued coaxing this way and that as to get as much light as possible on those future buds.
I also rigged my UV system and like how it turned out. I decide to attach one to each light with one suspended between as to be able to easily keep there height even and well monitored. I'm still in the process of figuring my harding process and when I should test and start the proccess.I hope to have this figured soon. Any thoughts or ideas would be sweet.
Got pics of girls individually abit better and figured how to edit photos on my tab as to not be the dumb ass with side ways pis.
Most are 30 days old today! A few 29 and down the line a couple more days. All doing well with StarDawg still learn the pack but WCOG and Tangie arnt far behind and there just startn to stetch. Stars at 21" with OG and Tangie 18 ish . Of and Tangier are in trained. Star has been pulled down and around or shed be over two feet easy. Also the Blue Mazars, 25 days, are beautiful and grown great. Blackberry is already startn to swell abit.
Been ponytailing and tucking. Took a few eaves but am waiting till stretch to see where I may need to take a leaf here and there. Over all impressed with shape. Ponytailing really helped to bring side branches even with top. I like to getm pretty close and then Lett the true leader go. The StarDawg has two secondaries nearly exactly the night of the leader with one really pushing it today. Love Watchn Plants Grow!!!
New lights riggd
And I see I neglected to take a shot of the white widow runt too. Figured I'd get a good bong hit out of the two runts instead of wasting there life blood. Also I'll get some top down shots soon to show spread.
I plan to add recipes and a few more pics on organic growing soon also.
Grow on AFN Family!!!