53 days old Auto starting pre-flower?

I'm treating her like a photo now. Fliped her to 12/12, today will be the second day at 12/12.

And now, help me out with one more issue please :)

this current grow is in a 11L pot, but as a noobie mistake it's not filled to the top. As you can see by the pictures on the previous post, she's my only lady and she's filling up the tent quite well (the tent is 60*60*120, or 2*2*4 if you prefer) and didn't even started the stretching fase.

I bought a 7L (2gallon) smart pot for my next grow. Can I get a good yield on a 7L pot? I'm doing a test run on them in the next grow, hopping I can manage to get two 7L pots inside my small tent.

What's your opinion? What yould be the best way to fully use my setup? Will you grow 1 plant on a 11L pot? Try to manage two 7L pots? Or go even small and try a SOG with multiple 2/3L pots?

What do you guys think I can manage to put inside this small tent without overcrowding them?

Thanks! :D
I personally like to run as many plants as I can an if overcrowding becomes an issue I lst an super crop an tye down branches .An I often grew in a few different pots I really like variety meds an would put favorites in large pots an others in small pots .It took me awhile to get the most outta my setup a lot of trail an error an experience to figure out what works an what doesn't .