53 days old Auto starting pre-flower?

:toke:-- this happens pretty often,.. whcih breeder and strain? fact is, "auto'ing" doesn't work like a switch, there's a lot of "grey area" about when a certain strain, or even pheno' will fully go into bloom,... I've seen plants auto many weeks past due under the usual light schedule, others don't at all and must be treated like fully photo' plants and run at 12/12 the rest of the way,.. switching back and forth between light schedules risks stressing that may cause a hermie event,.... this could be just damn bad luck, or poor breeding..... that she's just now sexed makes me think this one is a auto' misfire, and should be run like a photo,....
:toke:-- this happens pretty often,.. whcih breeder and strain? fact is, "auto'ing" doesn't work like a switch, there's a lot of "grey area" about when a certain strain, or even pheno' will fully go into bloom,... I've seen plants auto many weeks past due under the usual light schedule, others don't at all and must be treated like fully photo' plants and run at 12/12 the rest of the way,.. switching back and forth between light schedules risks stressing that may cause a hermie event,.... this could be just damn bad luck, or poor breeding..... that she's just now sexed makes me think this one is a auto' misfire, and should be run like a photo,....
She's a Royal Gorilla Auto from RQS. Thanks for the advice mate.
I'm gradually switching the lights. Today I did some lst, just soft bending pushing her away from the center, without tying her up. The lights have been running 18/6 from seed. Today she'll have the lights 16/8, and tomorrow starts at 12/12. I want to avoid making a drastic change, and reduce to 12/12 over two days, hoping it stresses her less.

When can I expect to seed preflowers and pistils in the tops?

And overall, what do you think of her? Looking healthy and happy?

Regarding the auto'ing, let's hope it was just first timer bad luck and everything goes smoothly until the end :p
She's a Royal Gorilla Auto from RQS. Thanks for the advice mate.
I'm gradually switching the lights. Today I did some lst, just soft bending pushing her away from the center, without tying her up. The lights have been running 18/6 from seed. Today she'll have the lights 16/8, and tomorrow starts at 12/12. I want to avoid making a drastic change, and reduce to 12/12 over two days, hoping it stresses her less.

When can I expect to seed preflowers and pistils in the tops?

And overall, what do you think of her? Looking healthy and happy?

Regarding the auto'ing, let's hope it was just first timer bad luck and everything goes smoothly until the end :pView attachment 999621 View attachment 999622
Looks good I wouldn't say 54 days is common at all for an auto in fact in the hundreds I've grown over the years the longest I have come across is 40 days most flower before 25 .So like the very smart waira said I would also treat this as a photo its characteristics are definitely more photo .On the plus side it will be most likely a faster flower time then the original gorilla so that's a definitely nice factor .
Looks good I wouldn't say 54 days is common at all for an auto in fact in the hundreds I've grown over the years the longest I have come across is 40 days most flower before 25 .So like the very smart waira said I would also treat this as a photo its characteristics are definitely more photo .On the plus side it will be most likely a faster flower time then the original gorilla so that's a definitely nice factor .
I'm treating her like a photo now. Fliped her to 12/12, today will be the second day at 12/12.

And now, help me out with one more issue please :)

this current grow is in a 11L pot, but as a noobie mistake it's not filled to the top. As you can see by the pictures on the previous post, she's my only lady and she's filling up the tent quite well (the tent is 60*60*120, or 2*2*4 if you prefer) and didn't even started the stretching fase.

I bought a 7L (2gallon) smart pot for my next grow. Can I get a good yield on a 7L pot? I'm doing a test run on them in the next grow, hopping I can manage to get two 7L pots inside my small tent.

What's your opinion? What yould be the best way to fully use my setup? Will you grow 1 plant on a 11L pot? Try to manage two 7L pots? Or go even small and try a SOG with multiple 2/3L pots?

What do you guys think I can manage to put inside this small tent without overcrowding them?

Thanks! :D
I would for sure put her on 12/12...…..
Followed your advice, today is day 2 of 12/12. I was trying to be patient with her, but she really didn't wanted to bloom. Most probably the ruderalis gene of this seed was getting lazy :p